[Xerte] Installation Problems

Julian Tenney Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Feb 10 11:07:29 GMT 2010

>Have not read the guide


We would like to make the installation easier, beause people keep having
trouble with it. I need to know why.

-          This is a completely new experience to them, and so is
unfamiliar? A bit like me trying to fly a jet fighter. Reading the
manual is not going to get me off the runway.

-          People have the necessary technical insight, but aren't
reading the guide, understanding the setup utility, checking the
archives, making incorrect assumptions? A bit like me, having learned to
fly a plane, moving from the Hawk trainer to an F16. I'll get off the
runway, but it might be a bumpy ride.

-          Authentication is a particular issue. Time and again people
misunderstand this bit, or we aren't communicating it well enough.

If the experience was uniformly bad for people that would tell us
something. It isn't - a good many people get through OK.

How do we make this easier?

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