[Xerte-dev] Re: what's the plan re video for pages likesynchedvideoand the plain video page? Also Popcorn example...

xerte at pgogywebstuff.com xerte at pgogywebstuff.com
Fri Feb 22 14:08:00 GMT 2013

Longtail hates it some of the time, but I got bored and wrote a
separate HTML5 version for apple stuff.

Apple pick and choose what they want really, and people believe it or
they don't

It is noticeable now that I often open a newspaper page (normally
newspapers) and the amount of time it takes all the JS to finish
firing stops the browser for a good few seconds. So we've gained
nothing really, bar getting rid of flash, which hasn't really
happened, so all we've done is made stuff harder.

Win win.

Pgogy Webstuff http://www.pgogywebstuff.comMakers of Web things of a
fair to middling quality

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julian Tenney" 
To:"For Xerte technical developers" 
Sent:Fri, 22 Feb 2013 13:31:03 +0000
Subject:[Xerte-dev] Re: what's the plan re video for pages like
synched video and the plain video page? Also Popcorn example...

	Yeah, we’ve had a right PITA with the embedded quicktime player.


	FROM: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] ON BEHALF OF Smith,
SENT: 22 February 2013 13:22
TO: For Xerte technical developers
SUBJECT: [Xerte-dev] Re: what's the plan re video for pages like
synched video and the plain video page? Also Popcorn example...


	Which is ironic considering a big part of the move to html5 has been
driven by the argument that ipads won’t do Flash so we should target




	John Smith

	Learning Technologist

	School of Health & Life Sciences

	Glasgow Caledonian University


	FROM: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [1]
[mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [2]] ON BEHALF OF Pat
@ Pgogy
SENT: Friday, February 22, 2013 12:51 PM
TO: For Xerte technical developers
SUBJECT: [Xerte-dev] Re: what's the plan re video for pages like
synched video and the plain video page? Also Popcorn example...


	From my experience of iPads - the html5 support is shocking. Events
don't fire, the embedded QuickTime player sucks and so on.


	Steve Jobs. Genius

Pgogy Webstuff - http://www.pgogywebstuff.com [3]

	Makers of web things of a fair to middling quality

On 22 Feb 2013, at 12:28, "Ron Mitchell"  wrote:

	Hi John/all

	you may have tested already I guess but thought I should add that
unfotunately Popcorn Maker doesn't appear to work on iPads :-(
Curiously on my iPhone the video plays but no pop ups are shown but on
my iPad the video doesn't play either. I've only been testing the clip
on the homepage at https://popcorn.webmaker.org/ [5] but I've tried
that with various browsers on my iPad and none work - shame!



	FROM: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [6]
[mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [7]] ON BEHALF OF
Smith, John
SENT: 21 February 2013 14:44
TO: For Xerte technical developers
SUBJECT: [Xerte-dev] Re: what's the plan re video for pages like
synched video and the plain video page? Also Popcorn example...


	Hi Ron,


	Wasn’t aware of Popcorn before – looks good, will have to give it
a try.


	As for the videos, it should be possible to add a check for different
video types but I’ll wait to catch up with Fay when she returns. Fay
shared a page with me a while ago that had multiple audio and video
formats and there were considerable problems getting them to play in
all the browsers so maybe that has to be explored and we might need to
have more than just mp4 and flv types, based on the supported browsers
list… same goes for audio – we could actually build this into the
xenith code and detect the browser and try the recommended video
extensions. There’s no file_exists() command in js though so to test
for existence would require an ajax request which could delay the
video appearing…




	John Smith

	Learning Technologist

	School of Health & Life Sciences

	Glasgow Caledonian University


	FROM: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [8]
[mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [9]] ON BEHALF OF Ron
SENT: Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:41 PM
TO: 'For Xerte technical developers'
SUBJECT: [Xerte-dev] what's the plan re video for pages like synched
video and the plain video page? Also Popcorn example...


	Hi all

	a quick question about this... I always advise people to use
streaming services for video wherever possible and with the HTML 5
playback it's obviously much more flexible now regarding what can be
used and in which page type which is great. However there are some
occasions where it's justified to upload a small video direct to an LO
especially to use the synched video page functionality but even just
the plain video page too. For Flash playback obviously it's still an
flv that needs to be uploaded but what's the current plan for HTML 5?
I know there's been all sorts of previous discussion about player
licensing and codecs etc but has anything been decided? 


	Is there perhaps a solution to check for an mp4 in the HTML 5 model
with the same name as the .flv and if it exists use that instead of
the .flv via html 5?


	I know Fay isn't around until next week now but posting this now
while I have time.


	Also perhaps relevant I'm not sure if you've seen or used Popcorn
Maker https://popcorn.webmaker.org/ [10] but that provides a quick way
of adding all sorts of synched events to video's and works well via
the embed content page e.g.
http://mitchellmedia.co.uk/xot/play_html5_53 [11]





Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number

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Xerte-dev mailing list
Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [14]
http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev [15]


Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number

Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative
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Year 2009.

Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early
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[1] mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[2] mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[3] http://www.pgogywebstuff.com
[4] mailto:ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk
[5] https://popcorn.webmaker.org/
[6] mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[7] mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[8] mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[9] mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[10] https://popcorn.webmaker.org/
[11] http://mitchellmedia.co.uk/xot/play_html5_53
[14] mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[15] http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev

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