[Syrphidae] Requesting articles with description of Eumerus ammophilus Paramonov, 1926

Francis Gilbert Francis.Gilbert at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon May 13 12:10:55 BST 2024

How incredibly confusing !!

From: Syrphidae <syrphidae-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> On Behalf Of Grigory Popov
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 12:05 PM
To: ximo mengual sanchis <xmengual at gmail.com>
Cc: bristi roy <roybristi19 at gmail.com>; syrphidae at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: Re: [Syrphidae] Requesting articles with description of Eumerus ammophilus Paramonov, 1926

Hi all,

I'd like to add a little to Ximo's message (quite correct), because sometimes I encounter misunderstandings in the citation of Paramonov's papers. In this case, the paper is published in a journal that has two different names at the same time, and corresponding numbering and pagination.

Paramonow, S. J. 1927. Dipterologische Fragmente. V–VII. Zbirnyk Prats Zoologichnogo Muzeyu, Kyiv (= Travaux du Musée Zoologique, Kyiv) 2, 73–81. [= Trudy Fizychno-Matematychnogo Viddilu Ukrainskoi Akademii Nauk (= Mémoires de la Classe des Sciences Physiques et Mathématiques du Académie des Sciences de l’Ukraїne) 4(4), 317–325.]
In German, except in Ukrainian for the author's name and the title at the beginning.
Note the double pagination. The ammophilus description on page 79 (= 323).

Best wishes,


On Mon, 13 May 2024 at 09:37, ximo mengual sanchis <xmengual at gmail.com<mailto:xmengual at gmail.com>> wrote:
See attachment.

The right citation is:
Paramonov S. J. (1927). Dipterologische Fragmente. V–VII. Zapiski Fiziko-Matematicheskomo Viddilu Vseukrains’ka Akademiya Nauk, 4(4), 317–325.

El lun, 13 may 2024 a las 8:22, bristi roy (<roybristi19 at gmail.com<mailto:roybristi19 at gmail.com>>) escribió:

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is Bristi Roy, I'm a graduate student working on Indian hoverflies from the "Zoological Survey of India" Kolkata, India. I'm planning to prepare a key to species of Indian Eumerus, for this, I managed to gather the descriptions for each Indian species except for Eumerus ammophilus Paramonov, 1926. I tried many search engines but eventually failed to get any article with the description of E. ammophilus, If you kindly provide me any article with the description of E. ammophilus Paramonov, 1926, It'll be a great help.

Bristi Roy,
Zoological Survey of India,
Kolkata-700053, India
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Grigory V. Popov, Dr, PhD
senior researcher
Section of Entomology and Collection Management
I.I.Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Bohdan Khmelnytsky st. 15, 01601 Kyiv
mobile +380-50-5638552
Scopus Author ID: 57201949137
e-mail grigory.v.popov at gmail.com<mailto:grigory.v.popov at gmail.com>

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