Re: International Perspectives on Mathematics Education
Leone Burton
leone.burton at virgin.net
Mon Nov 22 16:03:20 GMT 2004
Peter: Would you kindly circulate? Thanks. leone
Four books in this series are currently available. They are:
Jo Boaler (Ed.): Multiple Perspectives on Mathematics Teaching and
Learning, published by Praeger/Ablex/Greenwood Press, Westport CT, 2000 -
hard and paperback available from Greenwood Press.
Simon Goodchild & Lyn English (Editors): Researching Mathematics
Classrooms: A Critical Examination of Methodology, Praeger/Greenwood
Press, Westport CT, 2002 - hardback available from Greenwood Press;
paperback available from Information Age Publishing - see below.
Leone Burton (Ed.): Which Way Social Justice in Mathematics
Education? published by Praeger/Greenwood Press, Westport CT, 2003 -
hardbook available from Greenwood Press; paperback available from
Information Age Publishing - see below.
Margaret Walshaw (Ed.): Mathematics Education within the Postmodern,
Information Age Publishing, Greenwich CT, 2004- hardback and paperback.
Coming out soon:
Anna Chronaki & Iben Christiansen (Eds.) Challenging Perspectives on
Mathematics Classroom Communication, Information AGe Publishing, Greenwich
CT - hardback and paperback.
Please note that for students on higher degree courses, the Goodchild and
English book is the only one on the market which specifically addresses
methodology and methods in mathematics education research.
Details and order forms for the books available from Information Age
Publishing are on the website: www.infoagepub.com
Authors interested in submitting a proposal for a book should contact Leone
Burton at leone.burton at virgin.net.
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