[Maths-Education] Philosophy of Maths Education Journal No. 18 (Oct. 2004)

Paul Ernest maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Nov 2 15:05:21 GMT 2004

Dear Colleagues

I am pleased to announce that the latest issue of the=20
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal (No. 18,=20
October 2004) is now avalable on the web via:



Paul Ernest  What is Philosophy of Maths Education? =20

Michael A. Peters  Wittgenstein, Education and the=20
Philosophy of Maths =20

Maria Viggiani Bicudo, Verilda Speridi=E3o Kluth & Rosa=20
Monteiro Paulo  Philosophy of Maths Education =20

Ole Skovsmose  Mathematics in Action =20

Ole Skovsmose & Keiko Yasukawa  Formatting Power of=20
Mathematics =20

Peter Gates  Sociology/Politics of Maths Education =20

Stephen R. Campbell  Plato's Psychology of Maths Education=20

Nahid Golafshani  Teachers' Conceptions of Maths and=20
Practices =20

Mohammad Sal Moslehian  Postmodern View of Humanistic=20
Mathematics =20

Allan Tarp  Modern and Postmodern Critical Research =20

Andr=E9 van Es  Essay on Analogy in Mathematics =20

Ulrich Christiansen  What is a Number? =20

Joseph M. Furner & Barbara T. Berman  The Need to Eradicate=20
Math Anxiety =20

Serkan Hekimoglu  Affective Issues =20

Alexandre V. Borovik & Anna Borovik  Image Processing in=20
Humans =20

Alexandre V. Borovik  Notes on Cognitive Aspects of=20
Mathematical Practice =20

Philip Maher  Maths and Music

Steve C Perdikaris  Transition across van Hiele Levels

(Please note that these titles are abbreviated versions of=20
the full article titles.)

Best wishes

Professor Paul Ernest   =20
Leader of Masters and Doctoral Degree Programmes in
Mathematics Education    Phone: +44-1392-264796
University of Exeter     Secretary: +44-1392-264877=20
School of Education & LL Fax: +44-1392-264736=20
Heavitree Road           Email: p.ernest@ex.ac.uk=20
Exeter  EX1 2LU, UK      Web: http://www.ex.ac.uk/~PErnest/

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