[Maths-Education] The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal No. 38 (2021) NOW ONLINE

Ernest, Paul P.Ernest at exeter.ac.uk
Tue Dec 14 20:06:11 GMT 2021

Dear Colleagues

I am delighted to announce that

The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal No. 38 (2021) is NOW ONLINE

I hope you will agree that it is an interesting new issue with lots of fascinating and valuable contributions

Please feel free to forward this to any ond your colleagues, contacts or news groups

Best wishes to all for the seasonal break peaceful new year


Paul Ernest
Emeritus Professor, Education, Exeter University, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK
Homepage <http://www.people.ex.ac.uk/PErnest/> http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/education/research/centres/stem/publications/pmej/ The Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal



Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal

No. 38 (December 2021)

Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal        ISSN 1465-2978 (Online)

Editor: Paul Ernest


Paul Ernest  The Ethics of Mathematical Practice: Rejection, Realisation and Responsibility

Roberto Ribeiro Baldino & Tânia Cristina Baptista Cabral  Criticizing Epistemic Injustice: Rewarding Effort to Compensate for Epistemic Exclusion

Michelle Stephan and colleagues Ethical Mathematics Awareness in Students’ Big Data Decision Making

Daniela Steflitsch Why (Mathematics) Education in a Democracy Must be Critical Education

Kathleen Nolan & Shana Graham  Challenging what counts as mathematics: Reflecting on teacher’s perceptions of culturally responsive pedagogy in the mathematics classroom

Margaret Walshaw  Who Can Know Mathematics?

Adriano Demattè  On Student’s Ethical Relation with a Mathematical Written Text: Meaning and Empirical Evidence

James Drimalla  An Augustinian Take: The Loves of the Mathematics Education Research Community

Josh Markle  Enactive Hermeneutics as an Interpretive Framework in the Mathematics Classroom

Kathleen Nolan  Reframing Mathematics/Teacher Education Through Culturally Responsive (Disruptive) Pedagogy

Dionysia Pitsili-Chatzi  Mathematics as a social practice? Antagonisms as a conceptual tool for examining discourses

Johannes  Berggren  Conceptual, Extraneous or Other? A Configurative Review Concerning Mathematical Metaphors in Empirical Education Research

Wajeeh Daher  Convergence of tools, the Student and the Teacher in the Mathematics Classroom: Instrumental Genesis and Orchestration

John L Bell  Some Remarks on Current Mathematical Practice

John Mason  Gazing Mathematically: Seeing-As and Seeing-In

Jerzy Pogonowski  On the Invention–Discovery Dilemma

Yang Liu  Generalization and Construction Beauties and Philosophy in Mathematics

Hamlet Mikaelian & Anahit Yenokyan  The Problem of Formation of Moral Values in the Process of Teaching Mathematics

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