[Maths-Education] Call for Papers -- Thematic Issue

Barbara Jaworski B.Jaworski at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Sep 23 11:26:22 BST 2015

NOMAD – Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education

Thematic issue – Call for papers.
The editors of NOMAD have agreed the production of a thematic issue (TI) that will focus on
Research on teaching and learning mathematics in higher education.

This TI will include papers that report research on, for example: innovations in teaching and learning mathematics at university and university colleges; the provision and up-take of student learning support in mathematics; students’ concepts in mathematics; mathematics for special purposes such as engineering, economics or teaching; etc.

To be accepted for the TI papers must meet the regular requirements of NOMAD (scientific, length, style etc. For more information go to http://ncm.gu.se/node/504). The editors especially welcome papers that will profile research in teaching and learning mathematics in Nordic higher education, and papers from collaborative groups including authors working in Nordic and non-Nordic contexts.

The thematic issue will be published in the autumn 2017. To meet this deadline papers for the TI must be submitted by 31 May 2016.

The editors of the TI will be Barbara Jaworski and Simon Goodchild; Frode Rønning will also participate in the editorial group as one of the regular editors of NOMAD.

Individuals or groups of authors who wish to contribute to this TI are invited to send to the editors (see email addresses below) by 30 November 2015 a very brief outline of the intended paper (focus, national and institutional context, research design). This will allow an initial consideration of the structure and coherence of the TI, the possibility of initiating collaboration between authors working on similar themes, and suggestions from the editors about possible emphasis or topics for inclusion to enhance the coherence of the TI.

Barbara Jaworski (b.jaworski at lboro.ac.uk)
Simon Goodchild (simon.goodchild at uia.no)
Frode Rønning (frode.ronning at math.ntnu.no)

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