[Maths-Education] BSRLM 'new' researcher's day - 16 November

Julie-Ann Edwards J.S.Edwards@soton.ac.uk
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 09:49:44 +0100 (GMT Daylight Time)

The annual BSRLM day for 'new' researchers takes place on=20
Friday 16 November 2001 at the University of Southampton=20
immediately prior to the BSRLM day at Southampton on=20
Saturday 17 November.

The purpose of the Friday is for new researchers to have an=20
opportunity to meet and discuss issues of particular=20
relevance to them and to provide an opportunity for them to=20
present a research report to a sympathetic audience. The=20
conference fee for the Friday is just =A310 and that includes=20
a buffet lunch and all tea and coffee. If you wish to=20
attend the BSRLM 'new' researcher's day, please send your=20
name and contact details, together with a cheque payable to=20
"B.S.R.L.M.", as soon as possible to Julie-Ann Edwards at=20
the address given below.  Proposals for presentations=20
(indicating the required time - 30 minutes or 60 minutes,=20
to include discussion - and any special equipment=20
requirements) should be emailed to Julie-Ann (address=20

A limited amount of University en-suite accommodation=20
(fully serviced with bedding and towels, and with access to=20
a fully equipped kitchen) is available at a cost of =A316.50.=20
Please email Julie-Ann as soon as possible if you like to=20
take this opportunity of accommodation.

We hope that most people attending on Friday will also=20
attend on Saturday. Please note that you also need to=20
complete a separate copy of the Saturday conference form as=20
well (and include the appropriate fee) if you plan to=20
attend the Saturday event (details from Sue Pope on=20

It would help if bookings for the BSRLM 'new' researcher's=20
day on16 November were emailed to Julie-Ann by Tuesday 16th=20
October. Confirmations, including payment should follow.

Please do forward this message to interested colleagues.=20

Best wishes

Julie-Ann Edwards
University of Southampton=20
Research and Graduate=20
School of Education=20
Southampton SO17 1BJ

e-mail:   j.s.edwards@southampton.ac.uk
tel:       +44 (0)23 8059 4535
fax:       +44 (0)23 8059 3556
web:=09   http://www.education.soton.ac.uk/