[Maths-Education] Homework: where is the limit?

Jim D.N. SMITH(EDS) D.N.Smith@shu.ac.uk
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 11:28:20 +0000

I think that there is room for an ethical judgement in regard to homework.
I find it highly questionable to expect pupils to work all day at school
and then be expected to do several hours homework, as my sons both had to.
This involved my children in working longer hours than many adult workers.
This is particualrly regrettable as the evidence base for extra learning
is questionable.

There should be limits placed, for ethical reasons, and in the interests
of efficient learning.


Jim D N Smith BSc MEd BA
Mathematics Education Centre
School of Education
Sheffield Hallam University
36 Collegiate Crescent
S10 2BP


0114 225 2349 desk
0114 225 2339 fax


Common-sense is unexamined theory.
Reality is a convenient fiction.