[Xerte] Modifications to XMLEngine to enable more customizations

Tom Reijnders reijnders at tor.nl
Sun Mar 27 12:03:35 BST 2011


Please find attached some changes of the Frame1 Action scripts (in a 
text file). I can also send you the .fla, but I don't think is of much 
use to you, becasue I am not able to store it in Flash 8 format.

The diff is a diff -b uk1.txt uknew1.txt, i.e. on the left side is your 
(latest svn as of today) version.

Changes made:

* Banner
When the Icon/Logo that is loaded is wider than 200 pixels, the engine 
will now assume that this is not a logo, but a (semi-transparent) 
banner. The banner is placed at x,y = (1,1) and the title and subtitle 
are not shifted in position
(see lines 3179 and further)

* Make it possible to disable TTS
   - added access to interface by setting 'this.access.ifcCtrl = true; '
   - you can only do that if this access also exists for browsers 
different than ie, so logic is slightly changed
   (see lines 2604 and further)

* 'clean' interface
To make 'embedding' in an existing website somewhat easier, crated a 
'clean visuals' mode by checking on visuals=2
It creates a white interface, without titles, subtiltles and status bar, 
and without the controls on the bottom except volume control and TTS. 
The navigation buttons are active.

This is different than setting the coulours to white, and the buttons 
off, because the statusBarCoulour can still be set to something 
different than white, and this colour is used as the background for the 
'play button controls'.

I hope you find (some of) these changes/functionality worthwhile to 
incorporate into the svn version of the XMLEngine.



Tom Reijnders
TOR Informatica
Chopinlaan 27
5242HM Rosmalen
Tel: 073 5226191
Fax: 073 5226196

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