[Xerte] Attn: Johnathan Kemp - Template Wizard YouTube Video pagereturns LOADEDundefined

Mark Gray mark at bodyworkskills.eu
Mon Feb 8 18:51:27 GMT 2010

Hi Johnathan, thanks for your detailed reply. You were quite correct, the video worked fine once published. What caught me out was that the video did not play when the debug showed, so I assumed it wasn't functioning properly. 

Thanks again


On 8 Feb 2010, at 09:30, Johnathan Kemp wrote:

> Hello Mark,
> I developed the wizards from the original model files used in the page
> templates project wide template. So I know about any changes I made and
> have an idea of how the templates work. I know nothing of the swf files
> that they call, other than which swf files they call.
> Debug windows open when the debug(); command is called. The debug()
> command is often used in debugging and then removed when the code is
> finalised, though sometimes it can be left in as it only operates when
> using Xerte in view mode. I have searched the rlm file that defines the
> icon structure of the wizard and there are no debug() commands in it, so
> it is likely that the debug command is contained in a swf that the
> wizard is calling.
> I am not sure why you would get LOADED undefined, but certainly if you
> add a new You Tube Video page, either as a page wizard or as a page
> within a project that uses the pageTemplates project template, you will
> get a debug message "LOADED[type function]" if you fail to enter any
> embed code in the wizard.
> So can I suggest the following line of action in order to resolve your
> issue.
> 1. Open the page's wizard and be sure to add an embed code for a You
> Tube Page. 
> I have tested the following to prove it works
> <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie"
> value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SOAsFBrFjoc&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><par
> am name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param
> name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed
> src="http://www.youtube.com/v/SOAsFBrFjoc&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"
> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always"
> allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
> 2. You will still get a debug window as this appears to be a feature of
> the swf file used by both the page Templates page and the page wizard,
> however the you tube video should play and you should find if you
> publish your project that the video performs correctly without the debug
> window being displayed. Note: once published you may have to change your
> security settings in Adobe Flash Player to allow swf files to contact
> the internet, before the You Tube Page will work, this is not a feature
> of Xerte, but of the Adobe Flash Player.
> 3. If you are still concerned about the debug window raise the issue
> again without marking the request for my attention. This will be picked
> up by the Xerte Team. However given that the debug window will not
> intrude into the learners use of Xerte there is probably no need to
> remove it.
> 4. If you cannot get the wizard to display the video at all, reply to
> this and include the information that you are posting into the Embed
> code property of the wizard, so that I can test what you are doing for
> myself so as to duplicate the issue.
> Kind regards
> Johnathan
> Johnathan Kemp
> ICT Development Coordinator
> Connexions Staffordshire
> www.cxstaffs.co.uk
> 01785 355714
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Gray [mailto:mark at bodyworkskills.eu] 
> Sent: 04 February 2010 18:30
> To: Xerte discussion list
> Subject: [Xerte] Attn: Johnathan Kemp - Template Wizard YouTube Video
> pagereturns LOADEDundefined
> Hi Johnathan, I believe I am supposed to make these to your attention.
> I'm using the new Page Wizards and just tried using the YouTube Video
> page template. On previewing the page I am getting a Debug dialogue box
> stating 'LOADEDundefined'
> Cheers
> Mark_______________________________________________
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