[Xerte] New Technologies

Fred Riley Fred.Riley at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Feb 8 13:24:52 GMT 2010

> Mobile and e-book (possibly converged) will be unstopppable.

I remember 'e-books' being demonstrated at learning technology
conferences over a decade ago, and particularly remember one sad bugger
trying to sell them by saying that he read his in bed before sleep in
preference to a paperback. For all the hype, they've still not become
popular, for the very simple reason that they can't beat the analogue
alternative on price, flexibility and usability. 

'm-learning' has been the next 'big thing' for the last 5 years and
hasn't cracked it, not least because there is *no* mobile device data
standard. WML failed, plain HTML fails, FlashLite was only available for
certain models, now we have Apple flogging another proprietary
non-standards-compliant device. 'm-learning' is knackered because the
whole sector is badly balkanised and non-interoperable, and developers
naturally ask themselves why they should bother developing a specific
app for a specific device in a specific context that will be obsolete in
a few years with all their code and content locked into a proprietary
format. Mobile learning, to my knowledge, has only worked in specific
situations, an example being Nottingham's own Geography school which
uses PDAs - already considered obsolete and sooooo noughties - and GPS
on Geology field trips, which works a treat for the students in that
school but which isn't transferable.

Just my 2 Euro's worth as an old e-learning hand who, sadly, has seen
all this "unstoppable" things flourish and die (Laserdiscs, anyone?)...



Fred Riley
Learning Technologist
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy, University of Nottingham
Vcard: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/nursing/sonet/about/fr_uon.vcf  
> A
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of 
> Julian Tenney
> Sent: 05 February 2010 12:05
> To: Xerte discussion list
> Subject: [Xerte] New Technologies
> Good people,
> Something to muse on on a Friday afternoon: what new 
> technologies do you see impacting the elearning landscape in 
> the next 3 - 5 years? What emerging technologies do you think 
> will have the biggest impact on the way elearning is 
> conceived, delivered and produced?
> We are looking at developing a new strategy, and your views 
> would be very interesting!
> Thanks, have a great weekend,
> J
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