[Xerte] missing Xerte docs on flash interaction

Mattia.Galli at mottaonline.it Mattia.Galli at mottaonline.it
Fri Feb 5 14:50:25 GMT 2010

this is my fist help post, I need some infos, examples or tutorial on how 
to do somemore complex things in Xerte, I am using the editor and not the 

1)I would need to use a blank page and insert in it a flash movie I did. I 
need this flash movie has his own interaction and at the end I got a 
button. I want this button to communicate to moodle with SCORM that it has 
to write the exercise as complete. I found how to not load the main 
interface on the documentation what I really need is how I can access to 
flash ID items and get them to send command to Xerte. I also need to 
change dimension of the movie, is there a way or I have to edit the HTML 

2)If I have my file in flash I read that Xerte takes the _root place, does 
it means that I have to avoid _root.something calls? If so do I have to 
change them all with some _parent.something calls?

3)I would like to have a custom interface and I lack of a lot of infos 
about that: I found the template .FLA in the folders but it seems to lack 
of components like the font menus, colors and so on. I would prefer to 
build a rigid interface with my bottons to go back an forward an maybe 
just a bar to show the point the student is at the moment.
My company does not plan for now to use speaking capability nor font 
customization (but I saw that I can save a font preference for texts, so 
in theory if I don't have any way to personalize them I would see just my 
font). How I can get rid of what I don't need and how to keep things in 
the place I want? What classes do I need to include/use?

I used already Xerte to do simple things, test and intereactions and it 
works on my company project, now they would like to use it if we can find 
out how to do this complex comunications and custiomizations. This would 
be easier for us because we are not SCORM developer, but good flash 
developer that is the main language Xerte uses.
Thank you for all the help you can give me.

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