[Xerte] new 'templates'

Catherall, Paul P.Catherall at liverpool.ac.uk
Tue Dec 14 14:36:40 GMT 2010

Hi I was just wondering if it's possible to open a Web page somehow from Xerte automatically...

E.g. user visits a slide in Xerte and they also get a popup / new window with a Web page.

The kind of thing you would you would see with

<script type="text/javascript">window.onload=window.open("http://www.bbc.co.uk","newwin","status=0,resizable=1, menubar=1, toolbar=1, scrollbars=1,  location=1, directories=0, width=900, height=600, top=200, left=200");</script> 

I've had a dig around using the existing options, but as far as I can see it's case of requiring the user to follow a hyperlink created in a text box..?

I was initially trying to display inside Xerte using various flash approaches but kind of gave up...



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