[Xerte] dynamicMenu example

Tenney Julian Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Apr 14 13:35:47 BST 2008

Sorry - didn't answer the last bit.
The initalisation is handled by the web page, as is finish. The Xerte
code should be running in an initialised wrapper, waiting for you to set
or get data. You don't need to worry about anything else - the web page
does it.
If you want to change the way initialisation works, or provide any
custom code, make changes to the web page, or the js files it loads.
Use the test suite for testing all SCORM stuff. In this case, you should
see the piece initialise, ask for suspend_data, set suspend_data every
time you navigate to a page, and then finish when you close down the web
What Xerte does is:
ask for suspend_data
is it null (an empty string)?
if it is, this is the user's first visit so make the initial
trackingData variable, and fill it with 0's for each page
if not, use the tracking data we get back from our last visit - the user
has been here before
that sets it up. The menu is then built and the status is based on the
value of trackingData for each page.
When the user navigates to a new page, Xerte sets the value of
trackingData for that page to 1 and saves suspend_data


	From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Mark
Tomlinson, AC&S Ltd
	Sent: 14 April 2008 11:16
	To: 'Xerte discussion list'
	Subject: [Xerte] dynamicMenu example
	I am playing around with the dynamicMenu example in an effort to
get up to speed on Xerte.
	I have added a few pages with frameworks etc and all is working
	I have a question on the SCORM tracking though.  When previewing
the piece the menu details each chapter as 'Not Started' and the status
stays that way, which is what I expected as we are not running through
an LMS at this point.  I have published the file and packaged as SCORM
2004, and then uploaded to a SCORM 2004 compliant LMS.  The PIF uploads
and launches without error, but on first and subsequent runs the menu
items show as 'Completed'??  I wasn't expecting this!  OK, so what did I
do wrong / miss?
	Do I need to do something else to initialise the SCORM tracking
with this example?  and in General?
Aerospace Consulting & Services Ltd	 Engineering, Training,
Consultancy <http://www.acns-gmbh.com/> 	
Mark Tomlinson
Managing Director 	AC&S LTD
35A Victoria Road East
mark.tomlinson at acns-group.com
www.acns-group.com <http://www.acns-group.com/>  	tel: 
mobile: 	+44 1253 855 997
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