[Public-engagement] Universities for Nottingham - new civic initiative launched in collaboration with NTU

Madalina Stalniceanu M.Stalniceanu at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Jan 21 09:35:48 GMT 2020

* Email sent on behalf of Alex Favier, Director of Global and Political Affairs
Dear colleagues,

Universities for Nottingham launched yesterday morning

Yesterday morning at a packed event of civic stakeholder in BioCity, the Vice-Chancellor launched the Universities for Nottingham<https://www.universitiesfornottingham.ac.uk/>, a pioneering collaboration between the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University. The aim is to bring together the combined strengths and civic missions of our two universities to help drive prosperity and opportunity across our local area.

Together with Nottingham Trent University, we have undertaken a joint economic, social and cultural impact study - and explored where we might be able to join-up our local programmes and activity. Drawing on the recommendations of the UPP Civic University Commission<https://upp-foundation.org/civic-university-commission/>, this work will provide the foundation for a new approach to how we work with each other and with our local partners to help change the lives of people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. The idea is to try use a process of consultation and co-curation with both unis and our civic partners to identify and priorities a series of significant, solution-oriented and multilateral initiatives to help address local challenges. These will then be codified into a formal 'Universities for Nottingham Civic Agreement' - something we hope will give greater clarity, structure and purpose to what we do locally with our partners.

You can see some of the early conversation on twitter at #UnisForNottingham - and we will be pushing some of the findings of the report and stories we've featured on social media shortly - so any and all amplification is very much appreciated.

Our two universities already have a huge impact on the lives of local people and this is documented in a joint impact assessment report<https://www.universitiesfornottingham.ac.uk/assets/downloads/UfN_Report-min.pdf> based on independent analysis from the consultancy Public First, as well as on the Universities for Nottingham website<https://www.universitiesfornottingham.ac.uk/> and through a series of videos. I've attached the report + a bit of a briefing on how we think the Universities for Nottingham Civic Agreement might be developed in practice.

There's loads of interesting stuff in the report and on the website - but my top five stats are:

§  Once every 22 seconds someone living in Nottingham is trained by, attends a programme run by, visits a facility hosted by, is supported by a student or staff member from, works with a student placed by, or works in a business supported by one of our two universities
§   £3.8bn is the combined economic impact of both universities on the UK economy every year
§  Almost 35 000 local school children taking part in our outreach activities each year
§  Together we support 14% of Nottingham's economy, 25,000 jobs and would be the third largest local employer.
§  There's £145m GVA boost to the East Midlands economy from our international students

There will be plenty of opportunity for colleagues<https://exchange.nottingham.ac.uk/blog/universities-for-nottingham-major-new-civic-collaboration-with-nottingham-trent-university/> across the University to get engaged with the initiative. It is being led by the Global and Political Affairs Unit<https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/about/government-relations/index.aspx> in External Relations and we are working with the Institute for Policy and Engagement to consider the best way to do this in terms of research impact and public engagement. We'll be doing a series of roadshows over the next few months to talk more about it - and potential establish a UoN internal network for those interested in the civic agenda. But for now, if you're interested in learning more about UfN - you can get in touch with amy.williams at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:amy.williams at nottingham.ac.uk>. Do please cascade to any colleagues you think might be interested.

Finally, it is worth stressing that, whilst the Universities for Nottingham is a significant initiative, it is by no means intended as the totality of our strategic approach to the civic agenda, which is likely to be much broader. Work to define this approach is underway - led by the University's Civic and Regional Committee, chaired by Professor Kevin Shakesheff, Faculty-PVC Science and UEB lead for Civic - as part of the new University's Strategy.

Thanks all

Alex Favier (né Miles)
Director of Global and Political Affairs
University of Nottingham
Chair, CASE Europe Annual Conference 2018-20<http://www.case.org/CEAC18.html>

a: External Relations<http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/communicationsmarketing/index.aspx>, Vice-Chancellor's Office<https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/about/vice-chancellor/vice-chancellor.aspx>
t: +44 (0) 7917115197 | w: http://www.nottingham<http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/about/government-relations>.ac.uk/about/government-relations
Twitter: @alextofavier
Email: alex.favier at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:alex.favier at nottingham.ac.uk>
Executive Support: Natalie Lewis: natalie.lewis at nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:natalie.lewis at nottingham.ac.uk> | +44 (0) 115 74 84412
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