[Maths-Education] DQME resources2
Alan Rogerson
alan at cdnalma.poznan.pl
Fri Jul 24 12:44:26 BST 2020
*Dear friends and colleagues in Mathematics Education who have assisted
us before with publicity,*
Many thanks to many of you who have been able to pulicise **/the longer
notice about DQME/**we sent out recently.
If you were unable to help then could you kindly consider posting the
/very short notice below/ which asks people to email us for full
information about DQME?
We feel at this time especially it is of paramount importance that
teachers and students can have access to such a large and unique
resource which was specially designed to assist online learning.
Take care.
Alan *
**Message from Alan Rogerson about DQME (Developing Quality in
Mathematics Education)
This is to alert all teachers world-wide about DQME- an enormous
resource of 4650original, stimulating and motivating maths
problems/worksheets/applications developed and written by teachers and
tested and retested in schools in 11 countries in 10 languages over the
six year period of the EU funded DQME Projects I and II.
The materials are individually classified in topics, age group and
language and you can download them and freely use them in your classes
and for virtual learning immediately!
Please email alan at cdnalma for full details of how to access the DQME
website and make use of all the resources there.
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