[Maths-Education] DQME resources

Alan Rogerson alanrogerson at cdnalma.poznan.pl
Thu Jul 16 17:14:53 BST 2020

/*Dear friends and colleagues in Mathematics Education who have assisted 
us with publicity before,*/
We would be most grateful again for your publicising the notice below 
which we hope will be useful for teachers world-wide in these difficult 

We hope all of you are well and will emerge safely when the pandemic has 

Take care!
Alan and Jasia*/

*Global lock-downs **have forced**many students to stay at home and, 
while schools remain closed, there **is**a **real**need for effective 
internet support, especially in the **learning**of mathematics.*

*This email is to **offer all teachers world-wide free access to DQME**- 
**an enormous resource of 4650**original, stimulating and motivating 
maths problems/worksheets/applications developed and written by teachers 
and tested and retested in schools in 11 countries in 10 languages over 
the six year period of the EU funded DQME Projects I and II.*

*The materials are classified in topics, age group and language and 
**you**can download them and freely use them in your classes immediately!*

*Most of the materials are copyright but the authors have kindly agreed 
**ALL materials**may be used **as long as they retain**the DQME logo 
heading to ensure that they are attributed to our project. They should 
not of course be plagiarized nor **used**for monetary gain, and to help 
prevent this we require all users to register their personal details. *

*Please read carefully our Data Protection Policy you will see first 
when you enter the webpage below. This guarantees that your personal 
data will not be divulged to anyone else without your permission, and 
all data is held in a secure Linux server and in password controlled 

*How it works:*

    *Enter the webpage **https://directorymathsed.net/dqme/***

    *Read the Data Privacy Policy carefully and then click on the Accept

    Click on your country-language flag on the next page with all 11
    countries' flags*

    *Click */*Register Now*/*and fill in and */*Submit*/*your details

    *Click on */*Material*/*to see the full list of maths
    problems/worksheets/applications in your language*

    *Use your **email address**and password to log in again in future.*

*Please email me if you have any problems or queries, we sincerely hope 
that these materials will assist you and your students in these 
difficult times.*

*Please recommend the webpage to other teachers and colleagues, and to 
lists, blogs, newsletters and journals so they too can benefit from this 
unique resource!*


*Dr. Alan Rogerson*
*D.Phil (Oxon), M.Sc., B.Sc., B.A. (Lon), Dip.Ed., Cert. Ed. (Cantab).*
*International Coordinator of the Mathematics Education for the Future 
*Coordinator of the International Directory of Mathematics Educators*

*Developing Quality in Mathematics Education**(DQME I and II, 
2004-2010)****also developed**many new ideas for learning and teaching 
mathematics. Please email us for further information.*

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