[Maths-Education] CERME7 9-13 February 2011: Preliminary announcement

Tim Rowland tr202 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Mar 23 12:05:28 GMT 2010

This is a preliminary announcement that the Seventh Congress of  European 
Research in Mathematics Education, CERME7, will be held  9-13 February 2011 
in Rzeszów, Poland. It will be preceded by a 'young'  researchers' 
conference on 8-9 February 2011. The previous CERME  meeting was in Lyon, 
France, in 2009.

CERME conferences are organised around several Thematic Working Groups 
whose members work together on a common research domain.  Conference 
participants are expected to work within just one group. In addition, there 
will be plenary scientific and social activities.

***A further announcement will follow when the CERME7 website is  launched 
next month***, together with a Call for papers, which must be submitted by 
15th September 2010.

Tim Rowland (UK), Chair of the CERME7 Program Committee  <tr202 at cam.ac.uk>
Ewa Swoboda (Poland), Chair of the Local Organising Committee 
<eswoboda at univ.rzeszow.pl>
Ferdinando Arzarello (Italy) ERME President  <ferdinando.arzarello at unito.it>

The focus of each of the 17 CERME Working Groups, and the names of their 
coordinators, are listed below.

Argumentation and proof. Viviane Durrand-Guerrier 
<vdurand at math.univ-montp2.fr>
Teaching and learning of number systems and arithmetic. Susanne  Prediger 
<prediger at math.uni-dortmund.de>
Algebraic thinking. Jeremy Hodgen <jeremy.hodgen at kcl.ac.uk>
Geometry teaching and learning. Alain Kuzniak  <kuzniak at math.jussieu.fr>
Stochastic thinking. Dave Pratt <d.pratt at ioe.ac.uk>
Applications and modelling. Gabriele Kaiser 
<gabriele.kaiser at uni-hamburg.de>
Mathematical potential, creativity and talent.	Roza Leikin 
<rozal at construct.haifa.ac.il>
Affect and mathematical thinking. Marilena Pantziara 
<marilena.p at cytanet.com.cy>
Mathematics and language. Maria Luiza Cestari  <maria.l.cestari at uia.no>
Diversity and mathematics education: social, cultural and  political 
challenges/issues. Paola Valero <paola at learning.aau.dk>
Comparative studies in Mathematics Education. Eva Jablonka 
<Eva.Jablonka at ltu.se>
History in mathematics education. Uffe Thomas Jankvist  <utj at ruc.dk>
Early Years Mathematics. Götz Krummheuer  <goetzkrummheuer at mac.com>
University mathematics education. Elena Nardi <e.nardi at uea.ac.uk>
Technologies and resources in mathematics education. Jana  Trgalova 
<jana.trgalova at inrp.fr>
Different theoretical perspectives and approaches in research in 
mathematics education. Ivy Kidron <ivy at jct.ac.il>
>From a study of teaching practices to issues in teacher  education. Leonor 
Santos <leonordsantos at sapo.pt>

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