[Maths-Education] Mathematical concepts and ICT

Clausen-May, Tandi t.clausen-may at nfer.ac.uk
Thu Dec 14 09:57:29 GMT 2006

Mathematical Concepts and ICT

There has been a rapid increase in recent years in the range and
availability of digital resources to help teachers to develop their
pupils' understanding of key mathematical concepts.  Some of this
software may affect, not just how mathematics is taught, but what is
taught.  So, for example, a pupil whose understanding of angle is first
developed in the context of Logo might perceive a right angle as a
quarter turn, while a pupil who is taught more traditionally to identify
right angles in rigid shapes and structures might have a more static

Hanna Vappula and Tandi Clausen-May, both at the NFER, are trying to
find examples of how the digital curriculum does, or could, impact on
pupils' mathematical concepts.  We want to identify a dozen or so pieces
of software that are currently available to teachers in the classroom
that may have such an impact.   These could be quite small programs,
focusing on one particular concept, or much larger tools.  But in each
case, we will try to describe any differences in conceptual
understanding that might result from the use of the software in the
mathematics classroom.

We would be very grateful for any advice from colleagues who have an
interest in mathematics education about which pieces of software we
should consider in this context.  If what we are suggesting seems to be
valid then can you think of one or two programs which, in your
experience, are likely to have the sort of impact on pupils' learning
that we are looking for?  If so, do please let us know!   



Dr T Clausen-May

Principal Research Officer

Department for Research in Assessment and Measurement

National Foundation for Educational Research

The Mere, Upton Park, Slough SL1 2DQ United Kingdom

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