[Maths-Education] Seminar by Richard Lesh at London Knowledge Lab, 1 March 2007 - Advance notice

Phillip Kent phillip.kent at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 21:50:53 GMT 2006

Dear Colleagues,

This is advance notice of a seminar to be given by Richard Lesh 
(Indiana University) at the London Knowledge Lab on Thursday 1 March 
2007, provisionally at 5pm. Title and abstract yet to be decided.

Please check the LKL website nearer the time for latest information 
[www.lkl.ac.uk], or send your email address to me (address below) to 
receive an update.

Regards - Phillip

Dr Phillip Kent
London Knowledge Lab - Institute of Education
23 - 29 Emerald St
London WC1N 3QS
p.kent at ioe.ac.uk
tel 020 7763 2156   mobile 07950 952034

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