[Maths-Education] DG8 at ICME-10
Margaret Brown
Fri, 25 Jun 2004 12:54:46 +0100
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Just to note that the reading for DG8 "Quality and relevance in mathematics
education research' is now also on the ICME website (see below)
from Margaret Brown, on behalf of Rosetta Zan, Perla Nesher, Cyril Julie &
Frank Lester
> Background readings for Discussion Group 12 at ICME-10 ("Assessment
>shaping learning, for better or for worse") have now been posted on the
>Discussion Group's web-site at:
> <http://www.icme-10.dk/>http://www.icme-10.dk/
> The site also gives details of the sub-groups that will meet on the
>Monday and Wednesday sessions (the final session, on Saturday, will be a
>plenary). If you are planning to attend DG12, it will be helpful if you
>have decided which of the four sub-groups you would like to join before
>the first session.
> Dylan Wiliam, on behalf of the DG12 organising committee
> Sean Close, Gabriele Kaiser, Glenda Lappan, Vijay Reddy, Dylan Wiliam
> Thanks
> Dylan Wiliam
> ************************************************************************
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