[Maths-Education] Fwd: DG12 at ICME-10

Peter Gates maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Wed, 23 Jun 2004 15:52:49 +0100

<blockquote type=cite cite><br>
Background readings for Discussion Group 12 at ICME-10 (&quot;Assessment
shaping learning, for better or for worse&quot;) have now been posted on
the Discussion Group's web-site at: <br>
<a href="http://www.icme-10.dk/">http://www.icme-10.dk/</a> <br>
The site also gives details of the sub-groups that will meet on the
Monday and Wednesday sessions (the final session, on Saturday, will be a
plenary). If you are planning to attend DG12, it will be helpful if you
have decided which of the four sub-groups you would like to join before
the first session. <br>
Dylan Wiliam, on behalf of the DG12 organising committee <br>
Sean Close, Gabriele Kaiser, Glenda Lappan, Vijay Reddy, Dylan Wiliam
Thanks <br>
Dylan Wiliam</blockquote>
<div>Dr. Peter Gates</div>
<div>Senior Lecturer</div>
<div>Director of Research Students</div>
<div>School of Education</div>
<div>The University of Nottingham</div>
<div>Jubilee Campus</div>
<div>Nottingham NG8 1BB</div>
<div>Tel: +44 (0)115 951 4432</div>
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