[Maths-Education] Re:Special Issue

leone burton maths-education@nottingham.ac.uk
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 10:32:15 +0000

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Peter:  Would you kindly send out the following invitation:

A Special Issue of the Cambridge Journal of Education is to be put together 
by Leone Burton, as guest editor, for publication in 2005.  Colleagues are 
invited to contact leone at leone.burton@virgin.net as soon as possible 
with outline offers of papers that might be included in this issue.  Papers 
should be aimed at a general educational audience.  All papers will be peer 
reviewed.  Offers of reviewers, with contact email addresses, would also be 
welcomed (especially research students).

Provocations to/in Mathematics Education

Mathematics Education is well-established as a field of study in its own 
right.  Researchers in this field draw on literature from psychology, 
sociology and anthropology to substantiate their theoretical positions but 
they have also contributed to the development of theories and practices 
within the area of learning and teaching mathematics.  Because of the 
interesting problems encountered in mathematics classrooms, mathematics 
education has provided a seductive area within which some of those in 
education, and other cognate disciplines, have sited their 
research.  However, many such are unfamiliar with the substantial 
literature that now exists within mathematics education itself nor, despite 
considerable advancement in the field, necessarily cognisant of major 
disagreements, problems and contradictions that remain unresolved.  Papers 
are invited that air and discuss 'provocations', drawing on established 
research and raising challenges to mathematics education and different 
approaches to such challenges within the field.  Papers will be chosen on 
the following criteria:
1.  Clarity of presentation of the 'provocation(s)' and whether these are 
to mathematics education and/or within the discipline.
2.  Clarity and depth of argument in the analysis of the 'provocation(s)' 
to include details of studies addressed and discussion of methodologies.
3.  Internationalism of papers (i.e. breadth of discussion but also 
countries of origin of author(s)/research discussed).
4.  Representation, to include those under-published.

Prof. Leone Burton
8 Grange Walk
London  SE1 3DT
Tel:  44 (0)20 7394 2929
email:  leone.burton@virgin.net

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Peter:&nbsp; Would you kindly send out the following=20
A Special Issue of the Cambridge Journal of Education is to be put
together by Leone Burton, as guest editor, for publication in 2005.&nbsp;
Colleagues are invited to contact leone at leone.burton@virgin.net as
soon as possible with outline offers of papers that might be included in
this issue.&nbsp; Papers should be aimed at a general educational
audience.&nbsp; All papers will be peer reviewed.&nbsp; Offers of
reviewers, with contact email addresses, would also be welcomed
(especially research students).&nbsp; <br><br>
<div align=3D"center"><b>Provocations to/in Mathematics Education<br><br>
Mathematics Education is well-established as a field of study in its own
right.&nbsp; Researchers in this field draw on literature from
psychology, sociology and anthropology to substantiate their theoretical
positions but they have also contributed to the development of theories
and practices within the area of learning and teaching mathematics.&nbsp;
Because of the interesting problems encountered in mathematics
classrooms, mathematics education has provided a seductive area within
which some of those in education, and other cognate disciplines, have
sited their research.&nbsp; However, many such are unfamiliar with the
substantial literature that now exists within mathematics education
itself nor, despite considerable advancement in the field, necessarily
cognisant of major disagreements, problems and contradictions that remain
unresolved.&nbsp; Papers are invited that air and discuss 'provocations',
drawing on established research and raising challenges to mathematics
education and different approaches to such challenges within the
field.&nbsp; Papers will be chosen on the following criteria:<br>
1.&nbsp; Clarity of presentation of the 'provocation(s)' and whether
these are to mathematics education and/or within the discipline.<br>
2.&nbsp; Clarity and depth of argument in the analysis of the
'provocation(s)' to include details of studies addressed and discussion
of methodologies.<br>
3.&nbsp; Internationalism of papers (i.e. breadth of discussion but also
countries of origin of author(s)/research discussed).<br>
4.&nbsp; Representation, to include those under-published. <br>
Prof. Leone Burton<br>
8 Grange Walk<br>
London&nbsp; SE1 3DT<br>
Tel:&nbsp; 44 (0)20 7394 2929<br>
email:&nbsp; leone.burton@virgin.net<br>


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