[Maths-Education] Call for Applications for the Editorship of the Journal
the Learning of Mathematics”
Peter Gates
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 20:52:19 +0100
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<b>Call for Applications for the Editorship of the Journal<br>
“For the Learning of Mathematics”<br>
David Pimm has announced his intention to step down as Editor of FLM with
the completion of Volume 22.<br>
At its meeting in Kingston (May 25, 2002), the Board of the FLM
Publishing Association appointed a Search Committee composed of:
Lesley Lee (Coordinator), Tom Kieren and William Higginson. The committee
is responsible for:<br>
<font face="Symbol" size=5>
<dd>· </font><font size=1>Receiving and reviewing all
applications;</font><font face="Symbol" size=5>
<dd>· </font><font size=1>Drawing up a short list of candidates and
informing all applicants whether or not their names are on
it;</font><font face="Symbol" size=5>
<dd>· </font><font size=1>Ranking the candidates on the short
list;</font><font face="Symbol" size=5>
<dd>· </font><font size=1>Forwarding the names of the top-ranked
applicants to the Board of FLM not later than November 15, 2002.
</dl>The Board also decided at its meeting (May 25, 2002) that editorial
responsibilities will, in the future, be shared among three people: an
Editor and two Associate Editors. At least one of the members of the
editorial team will reside in Canada. The Board, in consultation with the
new Editor, will appoint the Associate Editors. (Individuals who might be
interested in an Associate Editor position only should forward their
names to the search committee.)<br>
<u>Procedures for appointment of the recommended (top-ranked)
</u>The Board of FLM will negotiate with the recommended individual the
details of the editorial appointment, subject to the following:<br>
</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>1) </font><font size=1>The initial term for all editors will be for a
maximum of three years with the possibility of renewal after a full
</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>2) </font><font size=1>The Board will do its best to meet the
expectations of the recommended applicant, keeping within the constraints
of the FLM budget and the following
guidelines:</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>a) </font><font size=1>the positions of Editor and Associate Editors
carry no
remuneration;</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>b) </font><font size=1>the Editor will make regular reports to the
FLM Board and will, where possible, attend its annual meeting.
</dl>It should be noted that the Board maintains an office for managing
the journal. This office, currently located at Queen’s University,
handles the receipt of manuscripts, subscriptions, distribution and all
financial matters connected with the journal.<br>
<u>Duties of the Editor<br>
</u> <br>
The Editor will be responsible
for:</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>1) </font><font size=1>maintaining the present spirit and thrust of
FLM;</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>2) </font><font size=1>ensuring the present schedule of FLM issues by
selecting, seeking out, editing, proof reading, etc. a sufficient number
of articles for each
issue;</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>3) </font><font size=1>maintaining a pool of manuscript
reviewers;</font><font face="Times New Roman, Times" size=5>
<dd>4) </font><font size=1>maintaining contact with and delegating tasks
to the Associate editors.<u>
</dl>Procedure for the early termination of the Editor’s contract<br>
</u>The appointment of the Editor may be terminated at the pleasure of
either party, the Editor or the FLM Board, through the provision of six
months’ written notice.<br>
<u>Procedures for applicants<br>
</u>Applications should made to the Search Committee at the following
electronic address: <br>
<div align="center">
or by post (in three copies) to the following address:<br>
<dd>Dr. Lesley Lee, Coordinator
<dd>FLM Editor Search Committee
<dd>5324 Waverly
<dd>Montreal, QC
<dd>H2T 2X7
</dl>The deadline for the receipt of applications is October 15,
Applicants are asked to submit their CV and a reasoned statement
presenting their candidacy for the position of Editor. The Search
Committee is interested in applicants’ previous professional experience,
editorial competence, commitment to the field of mathematics education,
and contacts with the international mathematics education community,
though no particular requirements are laid down in advance. The Search
Committee is also interested in applicants’ visions of how FLM might grow
over the years while preserving its essential character. Applicants’
statements may give the names and contact information of up to three
people who support their candidacy.<br>
Supplementary evidentiary material such as examples of publications,
copies of articles, letters of reference, any indications of
institutional support, etc., should not be sent with the application,
though the Search Committee may invite these at a later stage in the
selection process.<br>
Information about FLM and CMESG can be obtained on the following
<div align="center">
<a href="http://www.flm.math.ca/" eudora="autourl">http://www.flm.math.c=
<a href="http://www.cmesg.math.ca/"=
<div>Dr. Peter Gates</div>
<div>Director of Research Students</div>
<div>School of Education</div>
<div>University of Nottingham</div>
<div>Jubilee Campus</div>
<div>Wollaton Road</div>
<div>Nottingham NG8 1BB</div>
<div>Great Britain</div>
<div><a href="http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/education/staff/pgates.htm"=
<div>Tel: +44 115 951 4432</div>
<div>Fax: +44 115 846 6600</div>
<div>Mobile: 0773 080 8353</div>