REPLY: [Maths-Education] A lost tv programme
Paul Ernest
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 14:17:13 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)
On Tue, 30 Jan 2001 12:40:07 -0000 "Appleton, Nigel"
<> wrote:
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> Dear All
> I have a colleague who is trying to track down a tv programme, broadcast in
> the UK a few years ago, in which a researcher, looking at the street maths v
> school maths issue, went into pubs and clubs and asked darts players to do
> pencil and paper versions of the kind of calculations they normally do in
> their heads. Can anyone identify the programme and does anyone know of its
> availability on video?
This sounds like 2 videos
There was one by OU on cognitive development (part of
the course of that name) which looked at the Brazilian
street maths research with Analucia Schliemann
A second one (BBC inset for schools "Thinking Through
Maths") was until recently still shown at night,
and had Terzinha Nunes in pubs asking darts players to do
calculations in their heads. This also had Steve Lerman,
Mike Askew and me talking about philosophy of maths and the
Unless there's another video which I don't know.....?
I don't know how to order them...
Paul Ernest Phone: +44-1392-264857
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