[Maths-Education] AMETday2403

Laurinda Brown Laurinda.Brown@bristol.ac.uk
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 17:06:33 +0000

Some historical musings:

When I first became a mathematics teacher educator I was taken by my=20
colleague John Hayter to a meeing of AUMET. There wasn't really a=20
programme as such as far as I can remember although there might have=20
been a theme. We had what you might call professional discussions but=20
there were working groups that formed against issues. I can remember=20
most sitting talking, thinking - to our own agenda. I went to every=20
meeting as a priority.

I also attended the first joint conference after the amalgamation of=20
AUMET with (NAHFTE(MES)?(SP)) John had been on the organising panel and=20
had twisted my arm to run a working group - there had been a strong=20
hope that the sense of AUMET would be able to continue into the new=20
meetings. The sessions were on sharing practice:) What that meant then=20
was what we did - what underpinned our beliefs? in action? I know that=20
some individuals did not like AUMET - what about AMET? I have to=20
confess to feeling rather depressed reading the list below. I do not=20
want to meet to discuss what takes me away from the work with the=20
students. The 'practices' that we share are our discourse and in turn=20
are what we do. I do try to keep that in mind as I work with my=20
students so that we continue to make the teaching and learning of=20
mathematics centrally what we work at - the main task of which seems to=20
be about learning ourselves. I do not feel that any of the proposed=20
themes will allow me to work on the central question for me:

How do I work with the human beings who come of the street to join us=20
when they are becoming teachers?

NNS, Ofsted etc etc are often distractions from that task - sometimes=20
useful foci - how do I turn these distractions into positive learnings=20
for me and the students - John Mason introduced me to 'yes, anding' -=3D=20
but I suppose that I can do that because I do have strong senses about=20
where I'm coming from.

I do remember the days of AUMET with some nostalgia, however -=20

Laurinda Brown
On Thu, 8 Feb 2001 17:02:45 +0000 [GMT] Pat Perks=20
<P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk> wrote:

> *************************************************************************=
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> <center><bold><color><param>0100,0100,0100</param><FontFamily><param>Time=
s New Roman</param><bigger><bigger>Sharing Practice in Mathematics Teacher
> Education<smaller><smaller></center>
> <bigger>Day Meeting:  Saturday 24th March 2001, 10 00 - 1600
> </bold><smaller>School of Education, University of Birmingham
> <smaller>The day is planned around discussion groups, to share our practi=
> about the issues pertinent to ITE.
> Costs (to include lunch and refreshments)
> Members            =A315 in advance                                      =A320 on the day
> Non-members    =A325 (includes 6 months membership)    =A330
> Discussion Groups so far:
> <italic>The Changes to the Standards 4/98
> The National Numeracy Strategy: KS2 =96 KS3
> Secondary Maths (PGCE) Subject Knowledge
> Numeracy Tests
> Our Ofsted experiences
> Alternative routes to professional training
> </italic><bigger>If you would like to attend, please send details plus a =
> made payable to AMET to:
> Pat Perks, AMET,
> School of Education, University of Birmingham,
> Edgbaston, BIRMINGHAM B15 2T
> <smaller>If you would like to run a discussion group, over 1, 2, 3 sessio=
> (75mins) please e-mail me.
> <nofill>
> Dr Pat Perks                        email:   P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
> School of Education                 phone:  (+44) 121 414 4814
> The University of Birmingham
> Birmingham    B15 2TT
> UK
> _______________________________________________
> Maths-Education mailing list
> Maths-Education@nottingham.ac.uk
> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/maths-education

Laurinda Brown
