[Maths-Education] AMETday2403
Pat Perks
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 17:02:45 +0000 [GMT]
New Roman</param><bigger><bigger>Sharing Practice in Mathematics Teacher
<bigger>Day Meeting: Saturday 24th March 2001, 10 00 - 1600
</bold><smaller>School of Education, University of Birmingham
<smaller>The day is planned around discussion groups, to share our practic=
about the issues pertinent to ITE.
Costs (to include lunch and refreshments)
Members =A315 in advance =A3=
20 on the day
Non-members =A325 (includes 6 months membership) =A330
Discussion Groups so far:
<italic>The Changes to the Standards 4/98
The National Numeracy Strategy: KS2 =96 KS3
Secondary Maths (PGCE) Subject Knowledge
Numeracy Tests
Our Ofsted experiences
Alternative routes to professional training
</italic><bigger>If you would like to attend, please send details plus a c=
made payable to AMET to:
Pat Perks, AMET,
School of Education, University of Birmingham,
Edgbaston, BIRMINGHAM B15 2T
<smaller>If you would like to run a discussion group, over 1, 2, 3 session=
(75mins) please e-mail me.
Dr Pat Perks email: P.A.Perks@bham.ac.uk
School of Education phone: (+44) 121 414 4814
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT