[Maths-Education] Recruitment and Retention

Jim D.N. SMITH(EDS) D.N.Smith@shu.ac.uk
Tue, 12 Sep 2000 15:22:37 +0100

Any news on recruitment numbers nationally?

On our own 1 yr PGCE we are DOWN about 25% on last year, despite the
training salary. 

I can only conclude that money wasn't the issue, but then I never thought
it was. Until teaching has more intrinsic job satisfaction the extrinsic
awards are not going to work. I think the unions are beginning to
recognise this with the recent move to avoid unnecessary work. I despair
of governements of any hue ever realising this, unless everyone involved
gets a megaphone and begins shouting.


Jim D N Smith BSc MEd BA
Mathematics Education Centre
School of Education
Sheffield Hallam University
36 Collegiate Crescent
S10 2BP


0114 225 2349 desk
0114 225 2339 fax


Common-sense is unexamined theory.