[Glycoweb-steering] GlycoWeb SAB meeting
glycoweb at nottingham.ac.uk
Sat Jan 18 10:31:06 GMT 2025
GlycoWeb Strategic Advisory Board AGENDA
January 21st 2025 16:00 – 18:00 GMT
GlycoWeb Team
Nottingham: Cathy Merry, Kenton Arkill (online pm), Andrew Hook (online am only), Kevin Gough, Luke Thornton, Mario Alvarez (not attending), Lenka Turner, Kieran Pitchers, Yuan Li (not attending), Lorna Milne (KRUK PDRA, GlycoWeb aligned)
Manchester: Tony Day, Richard Tunnicliffe
Liverpool: David Turner, Claire Eyers, Hannah Galloon
Francis Crick Institute: Naomi Moris, Viktoria Holzmann
CCRK (Georgia, USA): Ryan Weiss (online)
CCG (Copenhagen, Denmark): Hiren Joshi (online)
IP/KE representative (Nottingham): Jonny Gibbons (online)
BBSRC Portfolio Manager Research Strategy and Programmes: Rules of Life: Dorothee Kommer
Jeff Esko (UCSD), Val Wilson (Edinburgh), Lena Kjellén (Uppsala)
Venue: B4208 Michael Smith Building, University of Manchester and online (you should all have a Teams link, if not, please let Cathy know urgently)
Pre-meeting – PDRAs + Lenka/Richard to share their short ‘welcome’ videos (a short personal introduction to who they are and what they are doing) online.
We will have a GlycoWeb (focus) group meeting in the morning (10:00-12:00, with Lena?)
PDRAs + Lenka/Richard will also have had a chance to meet Lena (+Val online?) between 15:00 – 15:45 for a private discussion and mentoring session.
16:00 – 16:10 - Introduction from Cathy to GlycoWeb, purpose, team, organisation plus outputs so far.
16:10 – 16:40 - Technology overviews:
1. Gastruloids (Naomi/David) 5 min
2. Probes (Kevin with info from Tony) 5 min
3. GAG analysis SIMS and LC-MS (Lorna/Luke) 5 min
4. Proteomics/Phosphoproteomics (Claire) 5 min
5. Glycopacity (Hiren) 5 min
6. Cathy to summarise and link 5 min
16:40 – 17:10 – Progress to date picking up achievements, concerns and plans
Objective 1 (Cathy) 10 min
Objective 2 (Tony/Kevin – both? Either) 10 min
Objective 3 (David) 10 min
17:00 – 17:40 – PDRAs + Lenka/Richard to give update on their work.
Luke (5 mins)
Mario (covered by Luke/Lorna) (5 mins)
Lenka (5 mins)
Kieran (5 mins)
Richard (5 mins)
Hannah (5 mins)
Viktoria (5 mins)
17:40 – 17:55 – Discussion around this. Are we addressing the ‘right’ questions? Are our methods/approaches relevant and will they be enough to achieve our goals? Is there more we must/could/should be doing? Is our support of the PDRAs + Tech+ EOs sufficient to ‘train a new generation of experts’?
17:55 – 18:00 – Summing up and plans going forward
Post meeting – We would very much appreciate feedback from the SAB after the update meeting; addressing the above suggestions, but also any additional points that you think would be useful. Thank you.
Hello all,
I received the confirmation re the room, and it will be the same at room B.4208 Michael Smith Building that we will use in the morning.
Best wishes
Hello all,
As mentioned in the previous invitation, the SAB meeting is scheduled to run from 16:00- 18:00 UK time to accommodate Jeff's participation from a different time zone.
All researchers will submit their presentations to the board members by Wed 15th Jan.
I will share the meeting agenda closer to the date.
Best wishes
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Meeting ID: 382 142 082 000
Passcode: TP6Ji7P4
For organizers: Meeting options<https://teams.microsoft.com/meetingOptions/?organizerId=ee01d2a3-7c4a-4fe6-9280-4b6359bba06a&tenantId=67bda7ee-fd80-41ef-ac91-358418290a1e&threadId=19_meeting_ZTJiNWM5ZjItNDU1OC00ZmI3LTgxNzctODEyMTM0Yzg4Mzg1@thread.v2&messageId=0&language=en-US>
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