[Glycoweb-steering] GlycoWeb SAB meeting

Cathy Merry Cathy.Merry at nottingham.ac.uk
Sat Jan 18 10:19:22 GMT 2025

Please find attached a final (ish) Agenda for the meeting on Tuesday.  Unfortunately, there are a lot bugs flying around in Nottingham and both Yuan and Mario are unable to join us next week.  Lenka and I are picking up the organisation as best we can but, if you spot any errors or have any questions, please do let us know ASAP and we’ll fix it.

Kind regards,


Cathy Merry
Professor of Stem Cell Glycobiology
Nottingham Healthcare Innovation Platform<https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/knowledge-exchange/nhip/index.aspx> Lead, School of Medicine
Deputy Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences<https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/mhs/research/index.aspx>
Visiting Professor, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology<https://www.imbim.uu.se/?languageId=1>, Uppsala University, Sweden
Founder Member, Chief Scientific Officer and Shareholder of Peptimatrix Ltd.<https://www.peptimatrix.com/>
Lead Researcher for the GlycoWeb<http://www.glycoweb.co.uk/> BBSRC sLoLa project
Board member for NC3Rs (National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research<https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/>) Read more about our work on [?pdf icon]  accelerating the replacement of animal derived antibodies<https://uniofnottm-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/cathy_merry_nottingham_ac_uk/Eavlwr8dZSdGhu_aVdoKUcMBT1X0-f1BIr14a7uyjwJCUw?e=LVuikR>
ORCID: http://www.orcid.org/0000-0002-3490-2809
My pronouns are she/her/hers[signature_687934631]
B208, Nottingham Biodiscovery Institute<http://nu-sense.ac.uk/home.aspx>
School of Medicine, University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
 +44 (0) 7880 828 138| cathy.merry at nottingham.ac.uk<http://nottingham.ac.uk/>
The times of day I work may not be the same as yours.  Please do not feel the need to reply to my emails outside of your normal working hours.

From: MS-glycoweb at exmail.nottingham.ac.uk
When: 16:00 - 18:00 21 January 2025
Subject: GlycoWeb SAB meeting
Location: Microsoft Teams Meeting; University of Manchester | B.4208 Michael Smith Building

Hello all,
I received the confirmation re the room, and it will be the same at room B.4208 Michael Smith Building that we will use in the morning.
Best wishes

Hello all,
As mentioned in the previous invitation, the SAB meeting is scheduled to run from 16:00- 18:00 UK time to accommodate Jeff's participation from a different time zone.
All researchers will submit their presentations to the board members by Wed 15th Jan.
I will share the meeting agenda closer to the date.
Best wishes

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Meeting ID: 382 142 082 000
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