mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
3dPRG-Computational | M3 - Members of the 3DPRG Computational Cluster |
3dPRGdimatix | All Users of Dimatix in 3D Printing Research Group |
ACEL | Mailing List for the Advanced Component Engineering Laboratory |
AgriGIS | AgriGIS |
All-Syllabus-plus-users | Users of the Timetabling System |
Alumni | Alumni of The University of Nottingham |
AlumniOffice | Former undergraduate and postgraduate students |
AMCDTAll | All CDT in AM students |
AMCDTC3 | Additive Manufacturing CDT Cohort 3 |
AMCDTC4 | CDT students cohort 4 |
Amcdtc5 | Cohort 5 CDT students |
Arc-aspmail | Admin Systems and Processes |
Artcodes-community | Access to the artcodes community |
artcodes-researchers | For the "Aestheticodes" research project |
Associate-deans | [no description available] |
Bilingualism-Research-Group | Bilingualism Research Group |
Biological-treatment | SChEME - Biological methods for assessment and remediation of contamination in soil |
BRG | LSRI - Bilingualism Research Group |
Cabernet-members | CABERNET project members |
Catholic | Catholic Society Committee |
CCDC-users | Users of Cambridge Crystallogrpahic Database |
CDC-RHR | Rehabilitation & Ageing PGR Support Group |
CDL-Psychology | Cognitive Development and Learning Group - Psychology |
CELE-MA-development | CELE MA discussion list |
CEVM-mailing-list | CEVM mailing list |
CfAM-academics | Centre for Additive Manufacturing - academic staff |
CfAM-all | Centre for Additive Manufacturing - academics, researchers, PhDs, APM, TS |
CfAM-PhD | Centre for Additive Manufacturing - PhD students, CDTs and standard |
CfAM-researchers | Centre for Additive Manufacturing - researchers |
Ciria-nonbio | [no description available] |
cloudcommunities | Tech intervention for highrise communities |
CognitionAndLanguage | Cognition & Language Research Group, School of Psychology |
Coldatoms-mailing | Physics and Astronomy list for summer school announcement |
COMBINER | Colombian-British Biotechnology Network |
Composites-review | Composites Review |
Contaminated-land-management | Contaminated Land Management MSc alumni |
CRC-SmoothingTheWay | For discussion after the CRC Smoothing the Way event |
CRECH | Collaborative Research in Ethnicity and Community Health: research and community collaboration |
Cs-users | PeopleSoft Campus Solutions users |
CSSA | Chinese Scholars and Students Association Nottingham |
Data-modelling-uncertainty | [no description available] |
DE-CDT-Network | Mailing List for the Digital Economy CDT Network and event attendees |
DEN-DEDN | DEN Digital Economy Diversity Network mailing list |
DENs-Centre-administrators | DENs Centre Administrators, Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training |
DENs-centre-directors | DENs Centre Directors, Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training |
DMG | Drug Metabolism Group |
EarlyAlgebra | List of the Early Algebra Group, UK |
Ed-direct | School of Ed - list for course leaders and support staff |
Ed-MalaysiaELT | Education - ELT Malaysia Students |
Ed-mapdsn | School of Ed - Mapdsn |
Ed-PGRsupervisors | Education - Academic staff supervising PGR students |
Ed-pgt | Staff working on pgt courses |
Ed-prof-doc | PGR Students on the Professional Doctorate in Education |
Ed-TESOL | Education - for staff and students on MA TESOL |
EducationCIER | Centre for International Education Research |
EducationCounsellingTutors | Part time Counselling Tutors in Education |
EducationCRACL | Centre for Research in Arts, Creativity and Literacy |
EducationCRELM | Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management |
EducationCRHF | Centre for Research in Human Flourishing |
EducationCRiME | Centre for Research in Mathematics Education |
EE-PEMC-HVDC | Researchers working on HVDC projects within the PEMC Research Group |
EM-Human-Factors-Research | M3 - Human Factors Research Group |
Emua-emalinklibrarians | East Midlands Librarians' Group |
ENEMTI | ESF Network for Exchange of Microbial Typing Information |
Engineering-freecycle | freecycling for Engineering Faculty staff to offer stuff that they no longer need to others who could make use of it |
esf-qg | Quantum Geometry Network |
Ethical-biotools | Cabernet - ethical biotools list |
Ev-MSc-SSCC | [no description available] |
ExLibrisDirectors | Directors of Institutions using Ex Libris ALEPH |
F3DPall | M3 3DPRG-All in Formulation for 3DP programme |
F3DPuniv | M3 - CfAM-Academic Partners in Formulation for 3DP programme |
Firewall-support | Firewall support |
Flavian-Epic-Network | Classics - Flavian Epic Network |
GCF | Graduate Christian Fellowship |
Geog_CGS_general | Geography - Centre for Geospatial Science |
Glycoweb-all | [no description available] |
Glycoweb-investigators | [no description available] |
Glycoweb-partners | [no description available] |
Glycoweb-steering | [no description available] |
Granby-users | Discussion list for new Granby service |
GTP-main | School of Education - Graduate Teacher Programme |
HeadSCITT | Headteachers of schools in the Outstanding Primary Schools SCITT consortium |
HERAN | Health Economics Research at Nottingham (HER@N) |
HPC-news | News on the HPC service |
HPC-people | HPC people in IS |
Hpcwe-contact | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-eb | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-pdc | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-pmb | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-sab | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-wp1 | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-wp2 | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-wp3 | [no description available] |
Hpcwe-wp4 | [no description available] |
ILRG | Interdisciplinary Language Research Group |
Insurance-bulletin | Insurance announcements from Procurement |
is-inform-publication | To announce publication of Inform newsletter. |
iSEC | Intelligent Smart Energy Community Group |
ISS-seminars | Information about the Institute for Science and Society's events, seminars and research activities |
Law-academicstaff | Academic law staff |
Law-Erasmus | Law Erasmus Students |
Law-LLM-Freedom-of-Expression | LLM students taking the option Comparative Freedom of Expression |
Law-staff | Email list for Law Staff |
Law-supportstaff | APM Law staff |
Learningspaces | LSRI - List for those interested in Learning Spaces research |
Lecture-capture-changes | A list for staff supporting the use of lecture capture systems at UoN UK, CN and MY campuses |
Lincoln-Cathedral-Library-Council | Lincoln Cathedral Library Council |
LRLR-LearningTech-SystemsTeam | Learning Systems Team (Learning Tech) |
M3-composites | Composite Research Group Mailing list |
MASS | Modelling and Analytics for A Sustainable Society, a Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships interdisciplinary programme |
Maths-angionet | Interdisciplinary Angiogenesis Network |
Maths-CMMB | Maths - Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology |
Maths-complex-systems-journal-club | Discussion group for papers in Complexity |
Maths-Education | Mathematics Education discussion forum |
Maths-hpc-users | [no description available] |
Maths-neuronet | Mathematical Neuroscience Network |
Maths-seminars-announce | School of Maths seminars announcements |
maths-signet | Cell Signalling Network |
Med-HS-Epidemiological-Methods | Mailing list for the Epidemiological Methods Group meetings |
mes-conf | Mathematics Education and Society International Group |
METAL | Media Enhanced Teaching And Learning project |
Midland-web-managers | Web managers in institutions based in the Midlands |
MMES | Midlands Mathematics Education Seminar Announcements |
National-Student-Survey | National Student Survey for final-year students |
NERC-and-physical-geographers | [no description available] |
NetNews | Announcements concerning the Nottingham campus network |
Network-support | Information Services Network Support list |
Network-team | Private list for Information Services Network Team |
Nextgenam-all | [no description available] |
Nextgenam-investigators | [no description available] |
Nextgenam-researchers | [no description available] |
Nextgenam-students | [no description available] |
NFFC | Nottingham Forest Football Club discussion list |
NFIFC | Nottingham Forest Internet Football Club discussion |
Ngb-tenants | NGB Tenants |
Nicktest | [no description available] |
Nott-Dialup | Dialup services at Nottingham |
Nott-vpn | VPN services at Nottingham |
NUIG | Northern Universities Insurance Group |
NUspgbc | Staff Badminton distribution list |
Offer-holders-newsletter | WP offer holders newsletter |
Parking-permits | [no description available] |
PARs-Phase1 | Personal Academic Records - Phase 1 |
PFGS | Postgraduate Forum on Genetics and Society |
Pgce-geogmentors | [no description available] |
Pgdialup-ind | [no description available] |
Pgdialup-univ | [no description available] |
PgMigrationResearchNetwork | [no description available] |
PhysAstro-Granular-Group | Members of the Granular group |
Plantsciences-ce-temp-monitor | Temperature alarm CE room Plant Sciences |
Postfixtesting | [no description available] |
PROCHART | School of 4M - PROCHART consortium |
Procurement-bulletin | Information from the Procurement Department |
PSPH | Personality, Social Psychology and Health |
PSPH-associates | PSPH associates |
Psycholinguistics-Research-Group | Psycholinguistics Research Group |
Psychology-EEG-lab-users | Psychology EEG lab users |
Psychology-external-seminars | Psychology External Seminars |
Psychology-EyetrackerLabs-Users | For users of the eye-tracking labs in Psychology |
Psychology-HDL | Psychology - Human Development & Learning group |
Psychology-visionlist | Nottingham Visual Neuroscience Group |
PsychologyTeachingLearning | Psychology learning and teaching enhancement group |
PsychologyWorkshopTeam | Psychology first year workshop staff |
Public-engagement | University of Nottingham Public Engagement Network |
QT-hub-network | QT-hub-network |
Quantum-systems-and-technology | [no description available] |
Rdf-internal | [no description available] |
Research-business | [no description available] |
Research-training | Graduate School Programme Announcements |
Responsible-digital-futures | [no description available] |
RIPE-admin | RIPE Admin contact list |
RIPE-tech | RIPE Tech contact list |
Rogo-OSS | ExamSys OSS list |
Rspsoc-news | [no description available] |
SB-Dry-ice | for users of dry ice to advertise availability and make requests for spare ice |
Sb-power-alerts | email alerts regarding power at SB |
SBchaplains | SB Chaplains |
SCXRD-chem | School of Chemistry Single Crystal XRD Users |
SDDL | Staff Development Discussion List |
Seminar-net | A list for use by authors submitting to the Seminar.Net journal on Visual Learning edited by members of the VLL team |
SIS-management | Computer Science - SIS Management group |
SIS-research | Computer Science - SIS Research group |
Slap | LSRI - List for members of the Second Language Acquisition and Processing grouping |
Sociology-ICMiC | Sociology - ICMiC list |
SociologyCASR | Centre for Applied Social Research |
SPMIC-associates | Associates of the SPMIC |
SPMIC-members | Members of the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre |
SPMIC-scanner-users | Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre scanner users |
SPMIC-seminars | [no description available] |
SPMIC-staff-QMC | SPMIC staff based at QMC |
SPMIC-staff-UP | SPMIC staff based at Unversity Park |
spmmrc-staff | SPMMRC staff and students |
Staff-club | [no description available] |
Starlab | Inflatable planetarium list |
Steep-Uni | Marie Curie ITN-STEEP project 316560 University |
Strategic-project | [no description available] |
Student-Union-News | Student Union News |
SUM-project-updates | SUM Project updates |
Summerscientist | LSRI - Summerscientist |
Summerscientists | Those involved in the LSRI / School of Psychology annual summer school |
Sustainability-Network | Network of PhD students and early career scholars at Nottingham University campuses (UK and overseas) undertaking research on the theme of sustainability |
Syrphidae | Hoverfly discussion list |
Telescopes | Users of the University observatory |
Temp-arabidopsis | NASC Temp Staff |
Test-alpe | [no description available] |
Thunderstorms | People involved in the Thunderstorms in Hallward project between the Visual Learning Lab CETL and multiple IS teams |
Timetabling-coordinators | Timetabling co-ordinators |
TLO-team | members of the Teaching and Learning Observatory project, based within the School of Education |
TSDU-ILT | TSDU ILT Joiners list |
TSDU-PEN | TSDU Professional Excellence Network |
UKOG | UK Orthography Group |
UoN-Fine-Art | Alumni network for BA Fine Art graduates from the University of Nottingham |
UoN-WebDev | PHP users' list |
Uon_purchasing_council | UoN Purchasing Council |
VLL-MA | MA students sponsored by the Visual Learning Lab CETL |
VLL-PhD | PhD students sponsored by the Visual Learning Lab CETL |
VLL-students | student interns funded by the Visual Learning Lab CETL |
VolRegisterCandidates | Trent PG Deanery - Group for those receiving TopUp training support for Vol Register |
VolRegisterMentors | Trent PG Deanery - Group for Mentors for TopUp training support for Vol Register |
VolRegisterSupport | Trent PG Deanery - Group for those involved in TopUp training support for Vol Register |
Xpert-project | A list to discuss the Xpert project |
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