mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
3dPRG-Computational M3 - Members of the 3DPRG Computational Cluster
3dPRGdimatix All Users of Dimatix in 3D Printing Research Group
ACEL Mailing List for the Advanced Component Engineering Laboratory
All-Syllabus-plus-users Users of the Timetabling System
Alumni Alumni of The University of Nottingham
AlumniOffice Former undergraduate and postgraduate students
AMCDTAll All CDT in AM students
AMCDTC3 Additive Manufacturing CDT Cohort 3
AMCDTC4 CDT students cohort 4
Amcdtc5 Cohort 5 CDT students
Arc-aspmail Admin Systems and Processes
Artcodes-community Access to the artcodes community
artcodes-researchers For the "Aestheticodes" research project
Associate-deans [no description available]
Bilingualism-Research-Group Bilingualism Research Group
Biological-treatment SChEME - Biological methods for assessment and remediation of contamination in soil
BRG LSRI - Bilingualism Research Group
Cabernet-members CABERNET project members
Catholic Catholic Society Committee
CCDC-users Users of Cambridge Crystallogrpahic Database
CDC-RHR Rehabilitation & Ageing PGR Support Group
CDL-Psychology Cognitive Development and Learning Group - Psychology
CELE-MA-development CELE MA discussion list
CEVM-mailing-list CEVM mailing list
CfAM-academics Centre for Additive Manufacturing - academic staff
CfAM-all Centre for Additive Manufacturing - academics, researchers, PhDs, APM, TS
CfAM-PhD Centre for Additive Manufacturing - PhD students, CDTs and standard
CfAM-researchers Centre for Additive Manufacturing - researchers
Ciria-nonbio [no description available]
cloudcommunities Tech intervention for highrise communities
CognitionAndLanguage Cognition & Language Research Group, School of Psychology
Coldatoms-mailing Physics and Astronomy list for summer school announcement
COMBINER Colombian-British Biotechnology Network
Composites-review Composites Review
Contaminated-land-management Contaminated Land Management MSc alumni
CRC-SmoothingTheWay For discussion after the CRC Smoothing the Way event
CRECH Collaborative Research in Ethnicity and Community Health: research and community collaboration
Cs-users PeopleSoft Campus Solutions users
CSSA Chinese Scholars and Students Association Nottingham
Data-modelling-uncertainty [no description available]
DE-CDT-Network Mailing List for the Digital Economy CDT Network and event attendees
DEN-DEDN DEN Digital Economy Diversity Network mailing list
DENs-Centre-administrators DENs Centre Administrators, Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training
DENs-centre-directors DENs Centre Directors, Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training
DMG Drug Metabolism Group
EarlyAlgebra List of the Early Algebra Group, UK
Ed-direct School of Ed - list for course leaders and support staff
Ed-MalaysiaELT Education - ELT Malaysia Students
Ed-mapdsn School of Ed - Mapdsn
Ed-PGRsupervisors Education - Academic staff supervising PGR students
Ed-pgt Staff working on pgt courses
Ed-prof-doc PGR Students on the Professional Doctorate in Education
Ed-TESOL Education - for staff and students on MA TESOL
EducationCIER Centre for International Education Research
EducationCounsellingTutors Part time Counselling Tutors in Education
EducationCRACL Centre for Research in Arts, Creativity and Literacy
EducationCRELM Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management
EducationCRHF Centre for Research in Human Flourishing
EducationCRiME Centre for Research in Mathematics Education
EE-PEMC-HVDC Researchers working on HVDC projects within the PEMC Research Group
EM-Human-Factors-Research M3 - Human Factors Research Group
Emua-emalinklibrarians East Midlands Librarians' Group
ENEMTI ESF Network for Exchange of Microbial Typing Information
Engineering-freecycle freecycling for Engineering Faculty staff to offer stuff that they no longer need to others who could make use of it
esf-qg Quantum Geometry Network
Ethical-biotools Cabernet - ethical biotools list
Ev-MSc-SSCC [no description available]
ExLibrisDirectors Directors of Institutions using Ex Libris ALEPH
F3DPall M3 3DPRG-All in Formulation for 3DP programme
F3DPuniv M3 - CfAM-Academic Partners in Formulation for 3DP programme
Firewall-support Firewall support
Flavian-Epic-Network Classics - Flavian Epic Network
GCF Graduate Christian Fellowship
Geog_CGS_general Geography - Centre for Geospatial Science
Glycoweb-all [no description available]
Glycoweb-investigators [no description available]
Glycoweb-partners [no description available]
Glycoweb-steering [no description available]
Granby-users Discussion list for new Granby service
GTP-main School of Education - Graduate Teacher Programme
HeadSCITT Headteachers of schools in the Outstanding Primary Schools SCITT consortium
HERAN Health Economics Research at Nottingham (HER@N)
HPC-news News on the HPC service
HPC-people HPC people in IS
Hpcwe-contact [no description available]
Hpcwe-eb [no description available]
Hpcwe-pdc [no description available]
Hpcwe-pmb [no description available]
Hpcwe-sab [no description available]
Hpcwe-wp1 [no description available]
Hpcwe-wp2 [no description available]
Hpcwe-wp3 [no description available]
Hpcwe-wp4 [no description available]
ILRG Interdisciplinary Language Research Group
Insurance-bulletin Insurance announcements from Procurement
is-inform-publication To announce publication of Inform newsletter.
iSEC Intelligent Smart Energy Community Group
ISS-seminars Information about the Institute for Science and Society's events, seminars and research activities
Law-academicstaff Academic law staff
Law-Erasmus Law Erasmus Students
Law-LLM-Freedom-of-Expression LLM students taking the option Comparative Freedom of Expression
Law-staff Email list for Law Staff
Law-supportstaff APM Law staff
Learningspaces LSRI - List for those interested in Learning Spaces research
Lecture-capture-changes A list for staff supporting the use of lecture capture systems at UoN UK, CN and MY campuses
Lincoln-Cathedral-Library-Council Lincoln Cathedral Library Council
LRLR-LearningTech-SystemsTeam Learning Systems Team (Learning Tech)
M3-composites Composite Research Group Mailing list
MASS Modelling and Analytics for A Sustainable Society, a Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships interdisciplinary programme
Maths-angionet Interdisciplinary Angiogenesis Network
Maths-CMMB Maths - Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology
Maths-complex-systems-journal-club Discussion group for papers in Complexity
Maths-Education Mathematics Education discussion forum
Maths-hpc-users [no description available]
Maths-neuronet Mathematical Neuroscience Network
Maths-seminars-announce School of Maths seminars announcements
maths-signet Cell Signalling Network
Med-HS-Epidemiological-Methods Mailing list for the Epidemiological Methods Group meetings
mes-conf Mathematics Education and Society International Group
METAL Media Enhanced Teaching And Learning project
Midland-web-managers Web managers in institutions based in the Midlands
MMES Midlands Mathematics Education Seminar Announcements
National-Student-Survey National Student Survey for final-year students
NERC-and-physical-geographers [no description available]
NetNews Announcements concerning the Nottingham campus network
Network-support Information Services Network Support list
Network-team Private list for Information Services Network Team
Nextgenam-all [no description available]
Nextgenam-investigators [no description available]
Nextgenam-researchers [no description available]
Nextgenam-students [no description available]
NFFC Nottingham Forest Football Club discussion list
NFIFC Nottingham Forest Internet Football Club discussion
Ngb-tenants NGB Tenants
Nicktest [no description available]
Nott-Dialup Dialup services at Nottingham
Nott-vpn VPN services at Nottingham
NUIG Northern Universities Insurance Group
NUspgbc Staff Badminton distribution list
Offer-holders-newsletter WP offer holders newsletter
Parking-permits [no description available]
PARs-Phase1 Personal Academic Records - Phase 1
PFGS Postgraduate Forum on Genetics and Society
Pgce-geogmentors [no description available]
Pgdialup-ind [no description available]
Pgdialup-univ [no description available]
PgMigrationResearchNetwork [no description available]
PhysAstro-Granular-Group Members of the Granular group
Plantsciences-ce-temp-monitor Temperature alarm CE room Plant Sciences
Postfixtesting [no description available]
PROCHART School of 4M - PROCHART consortium
Procurement-bulletin Information from the Procurement Department
PSPH Personality, Social Psychology and Health
PSPH-associates PSPH associates
Psycholinguistics-Research-Group Psycholinguistics Research Group
Psychology-EEG-lab-users Psychology EEG lab users
Psychology-external-seminars Psychology External Seminars
Psychology-EyetrackerLabs-Users For users of the eye-tracking labs in Psychology
Psychology-HDL Psychology - Human Development & Learning group
Psychology-visionlist Nottingham Visual Neuroscience Group
PsychologyTeachingLearning Psychology learning and teaching enhancement group
PsychologyWorkshopTeam Psychology first year workshop staff
Public-engagement University of Nottingham Public Engagement Network
QT-hub-network QT-hub-network
Quantum-systems-and-technology [no description available]
Research-business [no description available]
Research-training Graduate School Programme Announcements
RIPE-admin RIPE Admin contact list
RIPE-tech RIPE Tech contact list
Rogo-OSS ExamSys OSS list
Rspsoc-news [no description available]
SB-Dry-ice for users of dry ice to advertise availability and make requests for spare ice
Sb-power-alerts email alerts regarding power at SB
SBchaplains SB Chaplains
SCXRD-chem School of Chemistry Single Crystal XRD Users
SDDL Staff Development Discussion List
Seminar-net A list for use by authors submitting to the Seminar.Net journal on Visual Learning edited by members of the VLL team
SIS-management Computer Science - SIS Management group
SIS-research Computer Science - SIS Research group
Slap LSRI - List for members of the Second Language Acquisition and Processing grouping
Sociology-ICMiC Sociology - ICMiC list
SociologyCASR Centre for Applied Social Research
SPMIC-associates Associates of the SPMIC
SPMIC-members Members of the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre
SPMIC-scanner-users Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre scanner users
SPMIC-seminars [no description available]
SPMIC-staff-QMC SPMIC staff based at QMC
SPMIC-staff-UP SPMIC staff based at Unversity Park
spmmrc-staff SPMMRC staff and students
Staff-club [no description available]
Starlab Inflatable planetarium list
Steep-Uni Marie Curie ITN-STEEP project 316560 University
Strategic-project [no description available]
Student-Union-News Student Union News
SUM-project-updates SUM Project updates
Summerscientist LSRI - Summerscientist
Summerscientists Those involved in the LSRI / School of Psychology annual summer school
Sustainability-Network Network of PhD students and early career scholars at Nottingham University campuses (UK and overseas) undertaking research on the theme of sustainability
Syrphidae Hoverfly discussion list
Telescopes Users of the University observatory
Temp-arabidopsis NASC Temp Staff
Test-alpe [no description available]
Thunderstorms People involved in the Thunderstorms in Hallward project between the Visual Learning Lab CETL and multiple IS teams
Timetabling-coordinators Timetabling co-ordinators
TLO-team members of the Teaching and Learning Observatory project, based within the School of Education
TSDU-ILT TSDU ILT Joiners list
TSDU-PEN TSDU Professional Excellence Network
UKOG UK Orthography Group
UoN-Fine-Art Alumni network for BA Fine Art graduates from the University of Nottingham
UoN-WebDev PHP users' list
Uon_purchasing_council UoN Purchasing Council
VLL-MA MA students sponsored by the Visual Learning Lab CETL
VLL-PhD PhD students sponsored by the Visual Learning Lab CETL
VLL-students student interns funded by the Visual Learning Lab CETL
VolRegisterCandidates Trent PG Deanery - Group for those receiving TopUp training support for Vol Register
VolRegisterMentors Trent PG Deanery - Group for Mentors for TopUp training support for Vol Register
VolRegisterSupport Trent PG Deanery - Group for those involved in TopUp training support for Vol Register
Xpert-project A list to discuss the Xpert project

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