[Xerte] Re: Xertes online tool kit server specs

David Goodwin david at palepurple.co.uk
Thu Mar 22 17:36:34 GMT 2012

On 22 Mar 2012, at 17:17, Hortopp, Tim wrote:

> Hi all
> I’m new to the list and having scrolled through the archives have been unable to find an answer to this question, so I would be grateful if someone could please help.
> We are looking to install the Xertes online toolkit, but don’t seem to be able to find a definitive server specification.
> I should imagine that a 40GB disc with a dual core processor, 2GB RAM would suffice for a single LAMP instance, but can anyone confirm this please?
> Is physical server better than virtual server?  We believe we will have between 50 – 100 concurrent users so guidance would be appreciated.

Hi Tim,

It's just a LAMP application.

If you stick with the default configuration for MySQL, then it'll probably take up to around 100mb of memory, leaving plenty for Apache/PHP.

Xerte isn't very memory heavy - except for if you're creating a zip of an LO, so I doubt your Apache processes would grow beyond 64mb each.

So - the spec you have there should be fine. I think when you say '50-100' concurrent users you're saying you'll have 50-100 active users - but the number actually using your xerte instance within the same minute should be quite small…. (if it's not, then you'll probably need to think about more than one server, or at least a server with more cpu cores and memory)



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