[Xerte] Re: Can Xerte do the following tasks that I now do using Authorware?

Julian Tenney Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Mar 1 08:46:41 GMT 2012

1.       Yes.

2.       No.

3.       Yes.

4.       Yes, but you'll need to develop the solution. One sounds are loaded you can start stop anywhere in the sound.

5.       Yes, but the native controllers aren'the best solution in this case, as the reset button will take the user to 00:00

6.       Yes.

7.       There is a built in Glossary, otherwise yes.

8.       Yes.

From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Jonathan Paradise
Sent: 01 March 2012 01:11
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: [Xerte] Can Xerte do the following tasks that I now do using Authorware?

I have been developing e-learning materials for years on Authorware (Macromedia, now Adobe) I am looking for a new replacement for AW (because of its demise)
Xerte looks very promising. Here are a number of questions that I was not able to clarify from your demos
1. Does Xerte support Unicode?
2. Can I use the program for Right-to-Left languages like Hebrew and Arabic?
3. Does the program allow the learner to respond in sentences or paragraphs?
4. I have a great deal of audio (I teach languages) that I currently play to illustrate words and text. I would like to be able to play only a small segment of a sound (mp3) file using start cue and stop cues that the program accesses using query to a database. Can Xerte support this? In other words, I want to avoid having a separate sound file for each utterance.
5. Can I also play a segment of a video clip (again startcue to stopcue)?
6. From within the program can an email be sent to the instructor with the results of an exercise that the learner has done that would report on: the scores, the time spent on the exercise and possible other data?
7. Can I build a dictionary with which the learner can look up the meaning of a word or phrase in my dictionary database? In other words, can I address SQL queries to my database from within Xerte?
8. Can the learner run xerte programs from his/her hard drive or must the program be run from a server? And must the server be my university's server or could it be on a web server that I rent an account from?
9. Presently I can do all of the above using Authorware---except that I have to trick the machine into displaying Hebrew and Authorware no longer is supported by Macintosh.
I do not know if I have addressed these questions to the right address. If not, would you be so kind to forward my query to the right person or direct me to do so.
Jonathan Paradise
Professor of Hebrew
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