[Xerte] Installing Xerte on Lenux server

Clarence Prudhoe cprudhoe at musapp.com
Thu Mar 1 02:34:31 GMT 2012


I have a new Lenux server running:

  * Apache version 2.2.22
  * PHP version 5.3.10
  * MySQL version 5.1.56-log

I have Moodle 2.2+ installed and running without any problems.

I attempted to install XOT on my server by following the instructions in 
"ToolkitsInstallationGuide.pdf".   These instructions are confusing 
because they mix installation on a local machine with instructions to 
install on a web server.  It is further complicated because instructions 
appear to mix the directions to install Xerte on a Windows IIs server 
with instruction to install it on a Linux box.  I followed these 
instructions carefully (ignoring what appears to be IIs spicific):

Folder Permissions The are some settings which must be in place before 
starting the installer. You should set the file permissions on the 
following folders as the page specifies.
1. The root folder for this install must be set to chmod 0777 / Full 
write access.
2. The setup folder for this install must be set to chmod 0777 / Full 
write access.
3. The user files folder for this install must be set to chmod 0777 / 
Full write access.
4. The error log folder for this install must be set to chmod 0777 / 
Full write access.
5. The import folder for this install must be set to chmod 0777 / Full 
write access.
Once the installer has finished, you can set the folder permissions to 
your own preferences - except for USER-FILES, error_logs and import, to 
which the web server will still need write / read and delete access.

Installing on IIS
This guide to installing toolkits on ISS was contributed by Peter Hartley.
"h The server should be running MySQL and PHP - the usual set up for 
something like Moodle should suffice.
"h Create a database on the server using MySQL called Xerte
"h Create a user called xerte and give them all schema privileges to the 
database, choose a suitable password
"h Create a folder in the server web site called xertetoolkits
"h Give Everyone modify access rights to this folder
"h**In IIS Manager right click on the folder and go to properties
o In Directory Security make the folder Anonymous Access
o In HTTP headers select MIME Types and add
"X Extension: .rlm and MIMEtype: text/plain
"X Extension: .rlo and MIMEtype: text/plain
"X Extension: .rlt and MIMEtype: text/plain
"h Download the Xerte Online Toolkits from 
"h Extract the zip file to another folder
"h Rename the file index.php as index1.php
"h Rename the file switch.txt as index.php
"h Look at the index.php file and find the line which says 
switch($_POST["login"]){. Below that line is a set of users and 
passwords, you will need to use one of these for testing.
"h Now copy all the files from the extracted folder into the xerte 
folder on the web site
"h On the server itself load a web browser and run 
and click on 'For a full install'.

When I run http://mysite.com/xertetoolkits/setup  I get a 500 server 
misconfiguration error.
When I run http://mysite.com/xertetoolkits/setup/phpinfo.php  I get a 
500 server misconfiguration error.

I would expect that if the server will run Moodle 2.2+ it should be set 
correctly to run Xerte.
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

Clarence Prudhoe
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