[Xerte] Right to Left Text (Wizards)

Deborah Delin admin at strivney.com
Mon May 9 10:27:59 BST 2011

I need to add some instructions and feedback in Hebrew, which is a right to
left language, to my exercises.

The Hebrew text displays fine in the Title Bar but, when I add it to other
places in a Wizard (in the Introductory Text Box, Feedback box or to the rlo
as the label on the "Check Answers" button) in addition to not being aligned
properly, which one would expect, the order of the words is jumbled.
 Converting the Hebrew to Unicode doesn't change things.

The following css stylesheet (which does work when I put other instructions
in it) has no effect:


text-align: right;


A workaround would be to create graphics for the text, but I wonder if there
is a better solution?

Thanks in advance.

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