[Xerte] Questions regarding Custom interface, positioning and styles

Koványi Gábor kovanyi at innotica.com
Thu Mar 4 10:59:29 GMT 2010

Dear All,

  I created a page template by Xerte Template Wizard and a custom top  
navigation bar from the frameWork .fla as to be Custom Interface.

When I turn off(visuals 0) the default interface and set my custom  
interface the page title bar disappears. I guess the title bar has  
some dynamic text box with instance names which could be set by  
actionscript in my custom interface, am I right? If yes which are the  
proper instance names to display for eg. 'Learning Object Title' or a  
'Page Title'(which content is added in the wizard)?

The other trouble is that all the contents moved upper, because there  
is no titlebar. How can I set the x,y coords of the content area which  
holds the pages (for eg. Title Page and Graqphics and sound page)?

How is it possible to stylish the content(by actionscript, or from the  
style sheet) as the default colourSchemer does? (I've tried to add  
some properties into the attached styles.css under colourSchemer{} but  
it didn't have any effects.

Thanks in advance.


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