[Xerte] Shift + F5

Paul Beckwith paul.beckwith at acns-group.com
Fri Jan 8 13:37:20 GMT 2010

Thanks for getting back to me on this Johnathan, 


I'm using the stock Xerte Template Wizard with my own custom models. Have
tried F5+SHIFT, F5+CTRL+SHIFT and all the rest of it. it works on some page
types however and fails on others, (probably the one's ive messed around
with) I'm pretty sure I've just got rid of some code that's needed, I'm just
not sure how the page-jump-in stuff works and what the code is.






From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Johnathan Kemp
Sent: 05 January 2010 13:16
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Shift + F5


Happy New Year


I am not sure if you are referring to page wizards for Xerte, but the
following may help anyway.


If you select a page that is based on a page wizard in the project tree,
then press CTRL + F5 the preview window should open and take you to that
page, although the page may present strangely (maybe because the page wizard
uses its own xml file?). However if you then go to the previous page in the
preview and then next page to take you back again, the page wizard based
page should display correctly.


If you want to position an element in a page wizard based page, you can
select the element in the project tree then press CTRL + Shift + F5. Again
the page may not display correctly, but if you use the previous and next
buttons to go to the previous page and then back to the next page, the page
should display correctly. You should now be able to reposition the elements
on the page. 


Remember though that since the pages are configured by the use of forms, you
may inadvertently change a property of an element i.e. an x or y value that
may originally have been set as a variable, to an absolute value. This could
mess up the functioning of that page until the correct value was replaced
for the x or y co-ordinate affected. The best advice here is to look at what
x and y values are defined for an object before you reposition it.


Hope this helps.


Kind regards 




Johnathan Kemp
ICT Development Coordinator
Connexions Staffordshire
 <http://www.cxstaffs.co.uk/> www.cxstaffs.co.uk
01785 355714





From: Paul Beckwith [mailto:paul.beckwith at acns-group.com] 
Sent: 05 January 2010 13:00
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: [Xerte] Shift + F5

Hi everyone, 


Happy new year..


I have created some models for Xerte Wizards but I can't seem to use shift +
F5 top jump into the lesson at a specific point. It just starts from the
beginning. Does anybody know where the code is for this functionality or
what I need to do?






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