[Xerte] Spanish translation

Rocío Díaz Gómez mrocio.diaz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 12:07:11 BST 2010


2010/4/29 Dave Burnett <d_b_burnett at hotmail.com>

> Open XMLengine.fla in Flash
> >From the Menu bar, choose Window> Library
> In the lower pane of the Library window. double click the Buttons&Tools
> folder
> In the list that appears, double click nextButton
> In the Timeline area you will see the 4 button states: Up, Over, Down, Hit
> Click on the word Over
> In the stage area you will see the arrow and the word "next"
> Double click the word next
> Change it to what you need
> >From the menu bar choose File> Publish settings
> On the Formats tab, only Flash should be checked, then browse the File
> setting to make sure you are overwriting XMLengine.swf in the Xerte folder.
> On the menu bar File> Publish
> Restart Xerte.
> ________________________________
> > Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 12:35:29 +0200
> > From: mrocio.diaz at gmail.com
> > To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> > Subject: [Xerte] Spanish translation
> >
> > Hello
> > everyone:
> > Can anyone tell me EXACTLY where I should seek in order to
> > change the language of the navigation buttons: contents, next arrow,
> > back arrow, continue?.
> >
> > Although I have advanced knowledge of
> > graphic design, I am not developer, not a designer but teacher, and for
> me is
> > proving very difficult to find and change these buttons.
> > I am sure that for the developers of XERTE should be a
> > simple question to answer.
> > Thank you very much
> >
> > --
> > Phd.Rocío Díaz Gómez
> > Técnica de Apoyo Docente del Master
> > Universidad de Huelva (Spain)
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Dra.Rocío Díaz Gómez
Técnica de Apoyo Docente del Master

Movil Tel: 0034 616554838
Email: mrocio.diaz at gmail.com
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