[Xerte] Moving Flex-style panels with text

Paul Swanson Paul.Swanson at harlandfs.com
Wed Oct 24 22:29:57 BST 2007

Hi all,

I really like the Flex-style panels available in Xerte, and would like
to use them as "callout" containers. I can do this easily enough if they
are not draggable. But in order to get the text to move with the panels,
each panel has to be a page object, so it seems you can only have one on
the stage at a time. If I use a Graphic icon for the panel, and then a
Text icon for the text, should't I be able to use an onDrag event, grab
the x & y coords of the graphic icon, do a little math and then move the
text object accordingly? I've tried using an Event Interaction with
onDrag as the event and the id of the graphic icon as the icon
"property", but it doesn't seem to trigger anything. And I've tried just
adding a text icon to the even that prints "I'm being dragged around!"
but the text never appears, which leads me to believe I'm not doing the
Event properly. Any tips?


 Paul Swanson
 Harland Financial Solutions

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