[Syrphidae] Re: Taxo Fly call for specimens ISS 11

Sander Bot botsander at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 05:39:38 BST 2022

Dear all,

Some people have problems with the file from yesterday, so here is the list
just in the email, I hope it works this way as well.

Cheers, Sander

Arctosyrphus willingii (Smith, 1912) male and female
Blera nitens (Stackelberg, 1923) female
Brachyopa atlantea Kassebeer, 2000 male
Brachyopa cinerea Wahlberg, 1844 male and female
Brachyopa minima Vujić & Pérez-Bañón, in Pérez-Bañón et al, 2016 male
Brachyopa plena Collin, 1939 female
Brachyopa quadrimaculosa Thompson, 1981 male and female
Brachyopa vernalis van Steenis and van Steenis, 2014 male and female
Brachyopa zhelochovtsevi Mutin, 1998 male and female
Brachypalpus aff. valgus 1 in prep. male
Brachypalpus aff. valgus 2 in prep. male
Brachypalpus chrysites (Egger, 1859) male and female
Callicera scintilla Smit, 2014 male and female
Chalcosyrphus eumerus (Loew, 1869) male and female
Chalcosyrphus jacobsoni (Stackelberg, 1921) female
Chalcosyrphus nigripes (Zetterstedt, 1838) male and female
Chalcosyrphus nitidus (Portschinsky, 1879) female
Chalcosyrphus obscurus (Szilady, 1939) male and female
Chalcosyrphus pannonicus (Oldenberg, 1916) male and female
Chalcosyrphus rufipes (Loew, 1873) male and female
Cheilosia alba Vujić & Claussen, 2000 male and female
Cheilosia alpestris Becker, 1894 male
Cheilosia alpina (Zetterstedt, 1838) male and female
Cheilosia andalusiaca Torp Pedersen, 1971 male and female
Cheilosia angustigenis Becker, 1894 male and female
Cheilosia aristata Barkalov & Ståhls, 1997 male and female
Cheilosia beckeri Strobl, 1910 male and female
Cheilosia clama Claussen & Vujic, 1995 female
Cheilosia clausseni Barkalov & Ståhls, 1997 male and female
Cheilosia gorodkovi Stackelberg, 1963 male and female
Cheilosia griseifacies Vujic, 1994 male and female
Cheilosia herculana Brădescu, 1982 female
Cheilosia hypena Becker, 1894 male
Cheilosia iberica Marcos-Garcia & Claussen, 1989 male and female
Cheilosia latigenis Claussen & Kassebeer, 1993 male and female
Cheilosia limbicornis Strobl, 1909 male and female
Cheilosia lucense Ricarte, in Ricarte et al, 2014 male and female
Cheilosia marginata Becker, 1894 male and female
Cheilosia montana Egger, 1860 male and female
Cheilosia pedestris Becker, 1894 male and female
Cheilosia pilifer Becker, 1894 male and female
Cheilosia pini Becker, 1894 male and female
Cheilosia reniformis Hellén, 1930 male and female
Cheilosia rhodiolae Schmid, 2000 male and female
Cheilosia rodgersi Wainwright, 1911 male and female
Cheilosia tonsa Sack, 1938 male and female
Cheilosia varnensis Claussen, 2000 male and female
Cheilosia venosa Loew, 1857 male and female
Cheilosia vujici Claussen & Doczkal, 1998 male and female
Chrysogaster musatovi Stackelberg, 1952 male and female
Chrysogaster simplex Loew, 1843 male and female
Chrysotoxum hispanicus Nedeljković, Ricarte et Marcos-Garcia, 2020 male
Chrysotoxum triarcuatum Macquart in Webb & Berthelot, 1839 male
Chrysotoxum volaticum Seguy, 1961 male and female
Copestylum melleum (Jaennicke, 1867) male and female
Criorhina aff. berberina in prep. male and female
Criorhina hispanica Gil Collado, 1930 male and female
Cryptopipiza notabila (Violovitsh, 1985) male and female
Dasysyrphus eggeri (Schiner, 1862) male and female
Dasysyrphus nigricornis (Verrall, 1873) male
Doros destillatorius Mik, 1885 male and female
Epistrophe annulitarsis (Stackelberg, 1918) male and female
Epistrophella coronata (Rondani, 1857) male
Eristalis fratercula (Zetterstedt, 1838) male and female
Eristalis tecta Vujic, Radenkovic, Nielsen & Simic, 2004 male and female
Eumerus arctus van Steenis, 2021 male and female
Eumerus azabense Ricarte & Marcos-Garcia, 2018 male and female
Eumerus canariensis Baez, 1982 male and female
Eumerus claripennis Coe, 1957 male and female
Eumerus dubius Baez, 1982 male and female
Eumerus emarginatus Loew, 1848 female
Eumerus gibbosus Van Steenis, Hauser & Van Zuijen, 2017 male and female
Eumerus grallator Smit, 2019 male and female
Eumerus longicornis Loew, 1855 male and female
Eumerus narcissi Smith, 1928 male and female
Eumerus nivariae Baez, 1982 male and female
Eumerus pauper Becker, 1921 male and female
Eumerus purpurariae Baez, 1982 male and female
Eumerus purpureus Macquart, in Webb & Berthelot, 1839 male and female
Eumerus ruficornis Meigen, 1822 male and female
Eumerus rusticus Sack, 1932 male and female
Eumerus santosabreui Baez, 1982 male and female
Eumerus sicilianus van der Goot, 1964 male and female
Eumerus tauricus Stackelberg, 1952 male and female
Eumerus truncatus Rondani, 1868 female
Eumerus torsicus Grković & Vujić, in Grković et al, 2015 male and female
Eupeodes abiskoensis (Dusek & Laska, 1973) male
Eupeodes biciki Nielsen, 2003 male and female
Eupeodes borealis (Dusek & Laska, 1973) male and female
Eupeodes duseki Mazanek, Laska & Bicik, 1999 female
Eupeodes flaviceps (Rondani, 1857) female
Eupeodes lambecki (Dusek & Laska, 1973) male and female
Eupeodes rufipunctatus (Curran, 1925) male and female
Eupeodes tirolensis (Dusek & Laska, 1973) male
Eupeodes vandergooti (Dusek & Laska, 1973) male and female
Eupeodes vockerothi (Fluke, 1952) male and female
Ferdinandea fumipennis Kassebeer, 1999 male and female
Hammerschmidtia ingrica Stackelberg, 1952 male and female
Helophilus bottnicus Wahlberg, 1844 male and female
Heringia adpropinquans (Becker, 1908) male and female
Ischiodon scutellaris Bryan, 1934 female
Ischyroptera bipilosa Pokorny, 1887 male and female
Lejota korsakovi (Stackelberg, 1952) male and female
Lejota ruficornis (Zetterstedt, 1843) male and female
Mallota dadias submitted female
Mallota dusmeti Andréu, 1926 male and female
Mallota megilliformis (Fallén, 1817) female
Mallota quentini submitted male and female
Mallota rossica Portschinsky, 1877 male and female
Mallota tricolor Loew, 1871 male and female
Melangyna coei Nielsen, 1971 male and female
Melanogaster jaroslavensis (Stackelberg, 1922) male and female
Melanogaster nigricans (Stackelberg, 1922) male and female
Melanogaster tumescens (Loew, 1873) male and female
Merodon abruzzensis (van der Goot), 1969 male and female
Merodon adriaticus Veselić, Vujić & Radenković, 2017 male and female
Merodon alexandri Popov, 2010 male and female
Merodon ambiguus Bradescu, 1986 male and female
Merodon andriotes Vujić, Radenković & Šašić, in Radenković et al, 2018 male
and female
Merodon antonioi Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon arundanus Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon atratus (Oldenberg), 1919 male and female
Merodon atricapillatus Šašić, Ačanski & Vujić, in Šašić et al, 2018 male
and female
Merodon auronitens Hurkmans, 1993 male and female
Merodon balkanicus Šašić, Ačanski & Vujić, in Šašić et al, 2016 male and
Merodon cabanerensis Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon calcaratus (Fabricius), 1794 male and female
Merodon caudatus Sack, 1913 male and female
Merodon chalybeatus Sack, 1913 male and female
Merodon clunipes Sack, 1913 male and female
Merodon crassifemoris Paramonov, 1925 male and female
Merodon crypticus Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon dobrogensis Bradescu, 1982 male and female
Merodon dzhalitae Paramonov, 1927 male and female
Merodon erivanicus Paramonov, 1925 male and female
Merodon erymanthius Vujić, Ačanski & Šašić, in Radenković et al, 2018 male
and female
Merodon escorialensis Strobl, 1909 male and female
Merodon femoratoides Paramonov, 1925 male and female
Merodon flavicornis (Macquart), 1842 male and female
Merodon gallicus Vujić & Radenković, in Vujić et al, 2012 male and female
Merodon hirsutus Sack, 1913 male and female
Merodon kozufensis Radenković & Vujić, 2020 male and female
Merodon legionensis Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon longisetus Vujić, Radenković & Likov, in Likov et al, 2019 male and
Merodon longispinus Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon luteihumerus Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon luteomaculatus Vujić, Ačanski & Šašić, in Radenković et al, 2018
male and female
Merodon medium Vujić, Likov & Radenković, in Vujić et al, 2020 male and
Merodon minutus Strobl, 1893 male and female
Merodon nanus (Sack), 1931 male and female
Merodon naxius Vujić & Šašić, in Radenković et al, 2018 male and female
Merodon neolydicus Vujić, in Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2018 male and female
Merodon neonanus Vujić & Taylor, in Vujić et al, 2015 male and female
Merodon nitens Hurkmans & Vujić, in Vujić et al, 2020 male and female
Merodon olympius Vujić & Radenković, 2020 male
Merodon orjensis Radenković & Vujić, 2020 male and female
Merodon ottomanus Hurkmans, 1993 male and female
Merodon papillus Vujić, Radenković and Pérez-Bañon, in Vujić et al, 2007
male and female
Merodon planiceps Loew, 1862 male and female
Merodon pumilus Macquart in Lucas, 1849 male and female
Merodon puniceus Vujić, Radenković & Péres-Bañón, in Radenković et al, 2011
male and female
Merodon quercetorum Marcos-García, Vujíc & Mengual, 2007 male and female
Merodon rasicus Vujić & Radenković, in Vujić et al, 2015 male and female
Merodon robustus Veselić, Vujić & Radenković, 2017 male and female
Merodon rubidiventris Costa, 1884 male and female
Merodon rufipes Sack, 1913 male and female
Merodon sacki (Paramonov, 1936) male and female
Merodon sapphous Vujić, Pérez-Bañon and Radenković, in Vujić et al, 2007
male and female
Merodon spineus Vujić, Šašić Zorić & Likov, in Vujić et al, 2020 male and
Merodon spinitarsis Paramonov, 1929 male and female
Merodon telmateia Hurkmans, 1987 male and female
Merodon teruelensis (van der Goot), 1966 male and female
Merodon toscanus Hurkmans, 1993 male and female
Merodon trebevicensis Strobl, 1900 male and female
Merodon tricinctus Sack, 1913 male and female
Merodon trochantericus Costa, 1884 male and female
Merodon vladimiri Vujić & Tubić, in Tubić et al, 2018 male and female
Microdon miki Doczkal & Schmid, 1999 male and female
Myathropa usta (Wollaston, 1859) male and female
Myolepta difformis Strobl in Czerny & Strobl, 1909 male
Myolepta nigritarsis Coe, 1957 male
Myolepta obscura Becher, 1882 male and female
Myolepta trojana Reemer, Hauser & Speight, 2005 female
Neoascia balearensis Kassebeer, 2002 male and female
Neoascia subchalybea Curran, 1925 male
Neocnemodon fulvimanus (Zetterstedt, 1843) male and female
Orthonevra auritarsis Brădescu, 1992 male and female
Orthonevra frontalis (Loew, 1843) male and female
Orthonevra gemmula Violovitsh, 1979 male and female
Orthonevra incisa (Loew, 1843) male and female
Orthonevra plumbago (Loew, 1840) male and female
Orthonevra shusteri Brădescu, 1993 male and female
Palumbia bellierii (Bigot, 1860) male and female
Paragus abrogans Goeldlin, 1971 male and female
Paragus albipes Gimmerthal, 1842 male and female
Paragus ascoensis Goeldlin & Lucas, 1981 male and female
Paragus atlasi Claussen, 1989 male and female
Paragus bradescui Stănescu, 1981 male and female
Paragus cinctus Schiner & Egger, 1853 female
Paragus hyalopteri Marcos-Garcia & Rojo, 1994 female
Paragus majoranae Rondani, 1857 male and female
Paragus medeae Stanescu, 1991 male and female
Paragus oltenicus Stanescu, 1977 male and female
Paragus sexarcuatus Bigot, 1862 male and female
Paragus strigatus Meigen, 1822 male and female
Paragus testaceus Meigen, 1822 male and female
Paragus vandergooti Marcos-Garcia, 1986 male and female
Parasyrphus kirgizorum (Peck, 1969) male and female
Parasyrphus proximus Mutin, 1990 male and female
Parhelophilus crococoronatus Reemer, 2000 male and female
Parhelophilus sibiricus (Stackelberg, 1924) male and female
Pelecocera garrigae Lair & Nève, 2022 male and female
Pelecocera hederae van Eck, 2021 male and female
Pelecocera nigricornis (Santos Abreu, 1924) male and female
Pipizella brevis Lucas, 1977 female
Pipizella calabra (Goeldlin, 1974) male and female
Pipizella cantabrica Claussen, 1991 male and female
Pipizella certa Violovitsch, 1981 male and female
Pipizella elegantissima Lucas, 1976 male and female
Pipizella lyneborgi Torp Pedersen, 1971 male and female
Pipizella mongolorum Stackelberg, 1952 female
Pipizella nataliae Kuznetzov, 1990 female
Pipizella nigriana (Séguy), 1961 female
Pipizella obscura Van Steenis & Lucas, 2011 male and female
Pipizella siciliana Nielsen & Torp, 1973 male and female
Pipizella thapsiana Kassebeer, 1995 male and female
Pipizella zloti Vujic, 1997 male and female
Platycheirus abruzzensis (van der Goot, 1969) male and female
Platycheirus aeratus Coquillet, 1900 female
Platycheirus brunnifrons Nielsen, 2004 male
Platycheirus caesius Nielsen & Stuke, in Nielsen, 2004 male and female
Platycheirus chilosia (Curran, 1922) male
Platycheirus chilosia (Curran, 1922) female
Platycheirus ciliatus Bigot, 1884 male and female
Platycheirus cintoensis van der Goot, 1961 male and female
Platycheirus clausseni Nielsen, 2004 male and female
Platycheirus fimbriatus (Loew, 1871) male and female
Platycheirus goeldlini Nielsen, 2004 male and female
Platycheirus hyperboreus (Stæger, 1845) female
Platycheirus islandicus Ringdahl, 1930 male and female
Platycheirus jaerensis Nielsen, 1971 male and female
Platycheirus laskai Nielsen, 1999 male
Platycheirus latimanus (Wahlberg, 1845) female
Platycheirus lundbecki (Collin, 1931) male and female
Platycheirus magadanensis Mutin, 1999 male and female
Platycheirus meridimontanus Nielsen, 2004 male and female
Platycheirus modestus Ide, 1926 male and female
Platycheirus naso (Walker, 1949) female
Platycheirus speighti Doczkal, Stuke & Goeldlin, 2002 male and female
Platycheirus subambiguus Nielsen, 2004 male and female
Platycheirus tatricus Dusek & Laska, 1982 male and female
Platycheirus urakawensis (Matsumura, 1919) male and female
Platycheirus varipes Curran, 1923 female
Platynochaetus macquarti Loew, 1862 male and female
Primocerioides regale Violovitsch, 1985 male
Riponnensia daccordii (Claussen, 1991) male and female
Riponnensia longicornis (Loew, 1843) female
Rohdendorfia alpina Sack, 1938 male and female
Scaeva mecogramma (Bigot, 1860) male and female
Sericomyia arctica Schirmer, 1913 male and female
Sericomyia bequaerti (Hervé-Bazin, 1913) male and female
Sericomyia hispanica Peris, 1962 male and female
Sericomyia jakutica (Stackelberg, 1927) male and female
Sericomyia nigra Portschinsky, 1873 male and female
Sericomyia tolli (Frey, 1915) male and female
Sphaerophoria abbreviata Zetterstedt, 1859 male and female
Sphaerophoria bengalensis Macquart female
Sphaerophoria kaa Violovitsh, 1960 female
Sphaerophoria laurae Goeldlin, 1989 female
Sphaerophoria nigra Frey, 1945 male and female
Sphaerophoria pallidula Mutin, in Mutin and Barkalov, 1999 male and female
Sphaerophoria turkmenica Bankowska, 1964 male and female
Sphegina atrolutea Lucas in Thompson & Torp, 1986 male
Sphegina claviventris Stackelberg, 1956 male and female
Sphegina cornifera Becker, 1921 male and female
Sphegina limbipennis Strobl, 1909 male and female
Sphegina obscurifacies Stackelberg, 1956 male and female
Sphegina platychira Szilády, 1937 male and female
Sphegina sublatifrons Vujić, 1990 male and female
Sphegina varifacies Kassebeer, 1991 male and female
Sphiximorpha euprosopa (Loew, 1869) male and female
Sphiximorpha garibaldii Rondani, 1860 female
Spilomyia digitata (Rondani, 1865) male and female
Spilomyia diophthalma (Linnaeus, 1758) male and female
Spilomyia graciosa Violovitsh, 1985 male and female
Spilomyia maxima Sack, 1910 male and female
Spilomyia triangulata van Steenis, 2000 male and female
Syritta vittata Portschinsky, 1875 male and female
Syrphus auberti Goeldlin, 1996 male and female
Syrphus rectus Osten Sacken, 1875 female
Syrphus sexmaculatus (Zetterstedt, 1838) male
Syrphus stackelbergi Kuznetzov, 1990 male and female
Temnostoma carens Gaunitz, 1936 male and female
Volucella elegans Loew, 1862 male and female
Xanthandrus azorensis Frey, 1945 male and female
Xylota caeruleiventris (Zetterstedt, 1838) male and female
Xylota suecica (Ringdahl, 1943) male and female
Xylota triangularis Zetterstedt, 1838 male and female


Op wo 17 aug. 2022 om 18:59 schreef Sander Bot <botsander at gmail.com>:

> Dear all,
> You might have heard of Taxo-Fly by now. In this exciting EU-funded
> project we are creating species fact sheets of all European hover fly
> species, for more information see here: https://luomus.fi/en/taxo-fly. As
> part of this project, we also need photos for all species (for examples,
> see the link). For many species we have material ourselves and are able to
> make the photos, or have made the photos already. For many we don’t have
> any material yet, mainly the rare species. Find attached a list of species
> we are looking for.
> This is a call for everyone visiting Barcelonnette next month. Could you
> go through the list and see what species you or your institution has in
> their collection? If you have species, could you bring it, if possible,
> let’s say some three individuals per species/sex, and could I get a loan
> for them? Well-pinned specimens have the preference, but not well-pinned
> material can be useful too, for instance when photographing detailed
> characters of a specimen.
> I know, I ask quite a lot but we will be very grateful for any specimen
> you bring in since it will be an important contribution to the project.
> If you have any questions or if you are able to contribute, let me know.
> Thanks a lot for any help in advance, look forward seeing you in France,
> Sander
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