[Syrphidae] freeze desinfection of insect drawers

Frank Dziock frank.dziock at tu-berlin.de
Tue Oct 17 12:49:00 BST 2006

Hello Syrphid friends!

Can anybody provide me with information how to desinfect the drawers in
my syrphid collection with a standard freezer (-18 degrees C)? There are
no visible signs of pests yet, but I would like to be as safe as possible.

I am also unsure about the details:

How long do the drawers have to be in the freezer?
Does freezing damage the syrphid specimens?
How about condensed water after taking the insect drawers out of the

Maybe there are already some web resources on this? I would greatly
appreciate any links or hints on literature on this topic.

Many thanks in advance!

Best wishes from Berlin,

Frank Dziock


Prof. Dr. Frank Dziock
Fachgebiet Biodiversitätsdynamik
der TU Berlin
Sekr. AB 1
Rothenburgstr. 12
D - 12165 Berlin

Tel: 030 – 314 71368
Fax: 030 – 314 71355


"God in his wisdom made the fly, and then forgot to tell us why." Ogden Nash

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