[Syrphidae] Efficiency of trapping methods for flower flies

christian thompson cthompson at sel.barc.usda.gov
Fri May 20 16:22:33 BST 2005

Sorry, but I am lazy today

Beyond Jennifer Owen's landmark study of the flower flies in her garden
(1991*) are there any other good long term studies that report the
efficiency of various trapping methods to sample the flower fly fauna?
As I remember it, Jennifer was able over the first 15 years to recover
about 70% of the fauna and able to get most of that in the first 3

And are there any good studies on comparison between methods like pan
traps versus malaise traps.


*And yes, I do remember that Francis published an up-date on Jennifer's

F. Christian Thompson
Systematic Entomology Lab., USDA
c/o Smithsonian Institution
MRC-0169 NHB
PO Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012
(202) 382-1800 voice
(202) 786-9422 FAX
cthompso at sel.barc.usda.gov e-mail
www.diptera.org  web site

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