[Public-engagement] FW: Invitation - Institute of Physics summit: Girls in A-level physics, the UK's skills needs and reaching gender equity

Alex Miles Alex.Miles at nottingham.ac.uk
Sun May 6 14:02:20 BST 2018

Best wishes

Alex Miles
Deputy Director of Communications, Advocacy and Global Affairs
Interim Director, University of Nottingham Institute for Policy and Engagement

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From: Florence Greatrix <Florence.Greatrix at iop.org>
Sent: 02 May 2018 10:22
To: Purvis, Rebecca <becky.purvis at royalsociety.org>; Rob Davidson - Scientists for EU <r.davidson at scientistsforeu.uk>; Mike Galsworthy - Scientists for EU <m.galsworthy at scientistsforeu.uk>; Lindsay Walker <WalkerL7 at cardiff.ac.uk>; Alan Palmer - Millionplus <alanpalmer at millionplus.ac.uk>; Alex Connor <Alex.Connor at iop.org>; Alex Miles <brzatm at exmail.nottingham.ac.uk>; Alex Saxon - RCUK <Alexandra.Saxon at rcuk.ac.uk>; Andrew Mackenzie (amackenzie at physoc.org) <amackenzie at physoc.org>; Anna Murphy - House of Lords <MurphyA at parliament.uk>; Ashley Lenihan - Academy of Social Sciences <ashleythomaslenihan at gmail.com>; Becky Staddon - Russell Group <Rebecca.Staddon at russellgroup.ac.uk>; Ben Connor - British Ecological Society <Ben at britishecologicalsociety.org>; Brian Pepin - Universities Alliance <Brian at unialliance.ac.uk>; Cat Ball - AMRC <c.ball at amrc.org.uk>; Chenel Marshall - Royal Academy of Engineering <Chenel.Marshall at raeng.org.uk>; Chris Brown - Society for Applied Microbiology <christopher at sfam.org.uk>; Daniel Cremin - Kings <daniel.cremin at kcl.ac.uk>; Daniel Rathbone - House of Lords <rathboned at parliament.uk>; Darren O'Keefe - MRC <Darren.O'Keefe at headoffice.mrc.ac.uk>; Eva Sharpe - ICR <eva.sharpe at icr.ac.uk>; Faye - University Alliance <Faye at unialliance.ac.uk>; Flo Bullough <florence.bullough at geolsoc.org.uk>; Helen Beck - CRUK <Helen.Beck at cancer.org.uk>; Helen Ewles - Royal Academy of Engineering <helen.ewles at raeng.org.uk>; Helen Gibson - British Academy <h.gibson at britac.ac.uk>; Helena Quinn - Alan Turing Institute <hquinn at turing.ac.uk>; Henry Lovett - Physiological society <hlovett at physoc.org>; Hetan Shah - Royal Statistical Society <h.shah at rss.org.uk>; Hollie Chandler - Russell Group <Hollie.Chandler at russellgroup.ac.uk>; Isabel Spence - Parliamentary and Scientific Committee <isabel.spence at scienceinparliament.org.uk>; James Wilson - Campaign for Social Science <j.wilsdon at sheffield.ac.uk>; Jamie Arrowsmith UUK I <Jamie.Arrowsmith at international.ac.uk>; Jane East - NHM <j.east at nhm.ac.uk>; Jen Rae - Nesta <jen.rae at nesta.org.uk>; Jennie Dodson - UK Collaborative on Development Sciences <J.Dodson at ukcds.org.uk>; Jessica Cole - Russell Group <jessica.cole at russellgroup.ac.uk>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Joanna Burton - Russell Group <Joanna.Burton at RussellGroup.ac.uk>; Jon Carruthers - Royal Society of Biology <jonathan.carruthers at rsb.org.uk>; Juniour Blake - RAEng <juniour.blake at raeng.org.uk>; K Mayes - AMRC <k.mayes at amrc.org.uk>; Karmjit Kaur - UUK <karmjit.kaur at universitiesuk.ac.uk>; Katy Ingleby - MRC <katy.ingleby at headoffice.mrc.ac.uk>; Kyle Main - AMRAC <K.Main at amrc.org.uk>; Laura Bellingan - Royal Society of Biology <laurabellingan at societyofbiology.org>; Laura Marshall - Royal Society of biology <laura.marshall at rsb.org.uk>; Laurie Points - Lords S&T Committee <pointsl at parliament.uk>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Louis - British Science Association <louis at britishscienceassociation.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; Louise Wren - Wellcome <l.wren at wellcome.ac.uk>; Lucy Absolom - CRUK <Lucy.Absolom at cancer.org.uk>; Mags Wiley - Royal Statistical Society <M.Wiley at rss.org.uk>; Mark Condren - Universities UK <mark.condren at universitiesuk.ac.uk>; Martin Smith - Commons Science and Technology Committee <smithmr at parliament.uk>; Mindy Dulai - Royal Society of Chemistry <dulaim at rsc.org>; Nancy Mendoza - Society for Applied Microbiology <nancy at sfam.org.uk>; Naomi Weir - CaSE <naomi at sciencecampaign.org.uk>; Nicky Old - UUK <nicky.old at universitiesuk.ac.uk>; Nisha Tailor - AMRC <N.Tailor at amrc.org.uk>; Oli O'Hanlon - Science Council <o.ohanlon at sciencecouncil.org>; Olivia Stephenson - UCL <o.stevenson at ucl.ac.uk>; Olivia Varley-Winter - Royal Statistical Society <o.varley-winter at rss.org.uk>; Paul Richards - Society for General Microbiology <p.richards at sgm.ac.uk>; Rebecca Philp - Pirbright (Rebecca.philp at pirbright.ac.uk) <Rebecca.philp at pirbright.ac.uk>; Richard Walker - RSC <walkerr at rsc.org>; Rosa Parker - MRC <rosa.parker at headoffice.mrc.ac.uk>; Sarah Stevens - Russell Group <sarah.stevens at russellgroup.ac.uk>; Stephanie Mathisen - Sense About Science <smathisen at senseaboutscience.org>; Stephanie Smith - Russell Group <Stephanie.Smith at russellgroup.ac.uk>; Stephen Benn - Royal Society of Biology <stephen.benn at rsb.org.uk>; Bristow Muldoon <bmuldoon at therse.org.uk>; Deirdre Black - RSC <blackd at rsc.org>; Henry Lau - POST <lauh at parliament.uk>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Katherine Welch - UCL Public Policy <k.welch at ucl.ac.uk>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; Lydia Harris - POST <harrissl at parliament.uk>; Sarah Foxen - POST <foxens at parliament.uk>; Sophie Broster James - MRC <Sophie.broster-james at headoffice.mrc.ac.uk>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>; Sarah Chaytor <sarahchaytor at gmail.com>; Alessandro Lanuto - Campaign for Social Sciences <A.Lanuto at ACSS.org.uk>; Alex Lee - NHM <alexander.lee at nhm.ac.uk>; Amy Trevethan - Cambridge university <amy.trevethan at admin.cam.ac.uk>; Anne-Cecile - Cambridge University <Anne-Cecile.Larribau at admin.cam.ac.uk>; Camilla Morrison Bell <Camilla at britishecologicalsociety.org>; Chandy Nath - POST <NATHC at parliament.uk>; Chinara - British Academy <chinarar at britac.ac.uk>; Ewan Nicholas - RCUK <Ewan.nicholas at rcuk.ac.uk>; Grace Gottlieb - UCL <g.gottlieb at ucl.ac.uk>; James Tooze - CaSE <james at sciencecampaign.org.uk>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; Robert Massey - Royal Astronomical Society <rm at ras.org.uk>; Roya Ziaie - Microbiology Society <r.ziaie at microbiologysociety.org>; S Saggar - Campaign for Social Sciences <ssaggar at essex.ac.uk>; Sarah Chaytor <s.chaytor at ucl.ac.uk>; Thom Rawlinson - KCL <thom.rawlinson at kcl.ac.uk>; Tom Frostrick - universities alliance <Tom at unialliance.ac.uk>; Tom Livermore - AMS <Tom.Livermore at acmedsci.ac.uk>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>; Zoe Martin - CRUK <Zoe.Martin at cancer.org.uk>; Guidi, Luiz <Luiz.Guidi at royalsociety.org>; Edwards, Joe <Joe.Edwards at royalsociety.org>; Emma Mason <e.mason at qmul.ac.uk>; rich at senseaboutscience.org; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Laura Childs <Laura.Childs at iop.org>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; McMahon, Niamh <niamh.mcmahon at royalsociety.org>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>; Fraser at unialliance.ac.uk; Beal, Eleanor <eleanor.beal at royalsociety.org>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; McMahon, Niamh <niamh.mcmahon at royalsociety.org>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>; Amanda Wolthuizen - Imperial <a.wolthuizen at imperial.ac.uk>; AMRC policy team <policy at amrc.org.uk>; Craig Whittall - Manchester <craig.whittall at manchester.ac.uk>; Daniel Firth - IChemE <DFirth at icheme.org>; Hetty Crist - MRC <Hetty.Crist at headoffice.mrc.ac.uk>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Jonathan - BA <jonathanm at britac.ac.uk>; Kate Ford - Gatsby <kate.ford at gatsby.org.uk>; Kath Bainbridge - Lords Science and Tech committee <bainbridgek at parliament.uk>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; McMahon, Niamh <niamh.mcmahon at royalsociety.org>; Rohan Bundell - AMRC <R.Bundell at amrc.org.uk>; Tom Goldsmith - Tech UK <Thomas.Goldsmith at techuk.org>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>; Guidi, Luiz <Luiz.Guidi at royalsociety.org>; Edwards, Joe <Joe.Edwards at royalsociety.org>; Beal, Eleanor <eleanor.beal at royalsociety.org>; Jamie White - Natural History Museum <jamie.white at nhm.ac.uk>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; Marie Rogerson - Royal Society <Marie.rogerson at royalsociety.org>; Michaela DesForges - Academy of Social Sciences <M.DesForges at acss.org.uk>; McMahon, Niamh <niamh.mcmahon at royalsociety.org>; Odell, Susannah <susannah.odell at royalsociety.org>; Goldsmith, Thomas <Thomas.Goldsmith at royalsociety.org>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>; Taylor, Alasdair <Alasdair.Taylor at royalsociety.org>; Beal, Eleanor <eleanor.beal at royalsociety.org>; Montgomery, Jessica <Jessica.Montgomery at royalsociety.org>; Gearing, Katy <Katy.Gearing at royalsociety.org>; Smith, Laurie <laurie.smith at royalsociety.org>; Pakseresht, Louise <louise.pakseresht at royalsociety.org>; Pickering, Mark <Mark.Pickering at royalsociety.org>; McMahon, Niamh <niamh.mcmahon at royalsociety.org>; Ross Burton - Smart Specialisation Hub <ross.burton at ktn-uk.org>; Odell, Susannah <susannah.odell at royalsociety.org>; Goldsmith, Thomas <Thomas.Goldsmith at royalsociety.org>; Jacob, Zoe <Zoe.Jacob at royalsociety.org>
Subject: Invitation - Institute of Physics summit: Girls in A-level physics, the UK's skills needs and reaching gender equity

Hi all,

Becky has kindly let me hijack this list to invite you to an event the IOP are holding on girls in A-level physics on Thursday 17 May. Please see the information below and the link to register is here<https://www.iopconferences.org/iop/1245>.  I hope to see some of you there, and please do get in touch if you would like any more information.

Institute of Physics summit: Girls in A-level physics
Thursday 17 May 11:00 – 13:30 (refreshments from 12:45)
One Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ

The Institute of Physics is delighted to invite you to a summit to explore why the proportion of girls taking physics at A-level in England has remained close to 20% for the last three decades. This will be considered in the context of the UK’s skills needs, the Government’s new industrial strategy and how we can achieve gender equity in society. At the summit, IOP Chief Executive Paul Hardaker will present findings from our new report sponsored by the National Grid which looks at the latest data on girls progressing to physics at A-level.

This summit presents a unique opportunity for a pivotal discussion on the equality of opportunity in physics and STEM, and a reflection on our work and others to date. Speakers will include author Angela Saini, The Royal Institution’s Fran Scott, and representatives from the National Grid and IOP. The panel discussion will be chaired by Valerie Jamieson, Editorial Content Director at New Scientist.

The summit will bring together experts from industry, the education sector and policy makers for a discussion with experts and policymakers on the barriers to inclusivity in physics and STEM. We will also look forward to what work remains to be done to remove the barriers to physics and STEM for the benefit of individuals, the economy and society as a whole. There will be opportunity for Q&A with the speakers, and refreshments will be served after the event.

Please register for the event at this link<https://www.iopconferences.org/iop/1245> by Wednesday 9 May.

If you require any further information about the event, please contact the policy team at policy at iop.org<mailto:policy at iop.org>

Best wishes,

Florence Greatrix
Policy Officer

Institute of Physics
76 Portland Place, London, W1B 1NT
Email: florence.greatrix at iop.org<mailto:florence.greatrix at iop.org>
Direct tel: +44 (0)207 470 4825

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