[Maths-Education] Tenure-track position as Assistant Professor

Magnus Österholm magnus.osterholm at umu.se
Wed Jun 30 11:07:42 BST 2021

Dear colleagues,
Umeå University, in the north of Sweden, is announcing a Tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in mathematics, science, or technology education, with a focus on higher education:
The position is at the Department of Science and Mathematics Education:
Deadline for applications is 2021-09-30.
Please spread this information to any relevant email lists and to anyone that can be interested.
Kind regards,
Magnus Österholm, PhD
Associate Professor (Docent) of Mathematics Education
Deputy head of department, focusing on research and research education,
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Postal address: NMD, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)90 786 71 31
E-mail: magnus.osterholm at umu.se

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