[Maths-Education] New Book: A contemporary theory of mathematics education research

Tony Brown A.M.Brown at mmu.ac.uk
Thu Dec 10 10:45:04 GMT 2020

New Book

Tony Brown A contemporary theory of mathematics education research (Springer)


This book by-passes both psychology and sociology to present an original social theory centered on seeing mathematical learning by everyone as an intrinsic dimension of how mathematics develops as a field in support of human activity. Here, mathematics is defined by how we collectively talk about it. Drawing on psychoanalytic theory, the student is seen as participating in the renewal of mathematics through their contributions to our collective gaze on mathematics as the field responds to ever new demands. This book addresses the domain, purpose and functioning of contemporary research in mathematics education and is an original contribution to this theme.

The book's introduction with chapter outline has been published in PoMEJ: http://socialsciences.exeter.ac.uk/education/research/centres/stem/publications/pmej/pome36/index.htm

PDF with preface is freely downloadable: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-030-55100-1

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