[Maths-Education] Proceedings of Int Conf on Math Textbook Research available for download

Jones D.K. D.K.Jones at soton.ac.uk
Mon May 18 10:09:48 BST 2015


The Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development (ICMT-2014), held at the University of Southampton, is available to download as an e-book of 586 pages; ISBN: 9780854329854

Comprising 94 papers from authors from around 30 countries, the proceedings are available for download from http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/374809/

The proceedings contain papers by Jeremy Kilpatrick, Michal Yerushalmy, Kenneth Ruthven, Ruhama Even & Michal Ayalon, Denisse Thompson & Sharon Senk, William H. Schmidt & Richard T. Houang, Christian Hirsch, Marc van Zanten & Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Lianghuo Fan, Jehad Alshwaikh & Candia Morgan, Christian Bokhove & Keith Jones, Leslie Dietiker, Julie-Ann Edwards & Ros Hyde, Gueudet Ghislaine, Birgit Pepin, Hussein Sabra & Luc Trouche, Barbro Grevholm, Moneoang Leshota & Jill Adler, Takeshi Miyakawa, Ida Ah Chee Mok, Jarmila Novotná & Petr Eisenmann, Janine Remillard, Hendrik van Steenbrugge & Tomas Bergqvist, Sebastian Rezat, Christopher Sangwin, Zalman Usiskin, Chronoula Voutsina, Jianbo Wang & Yiming Cao, and many others.

ICMT-2 is to be held in Brazil in 2017; see:


Please consider forwarding this information to interested colleagues.

Best wishes



Keith Jones, University of Southampton

Current publications:

Ding, L., Jones, K., & Zhang, D. (2015). Teaching geometrical theorems in Grade 8 using the 'shen tou' method: a case study in Shanghai. In L. Fan, N-Y. Wong, J. Cai, & S. Li (Eds.), How Chinese teach mathematics: Perspectives from insiders (pp.279-312). Singapore: World Scientific Press.


Ding, L., Pepin, B. & Jones, K. (2015), Students' attitudes towards mathematics across lower secondary schools in Shanghai. In B. Pepin & B. Rösken-Winter (Eds), From beliefs to dynamic affect systems in mathematics education:  Exploring a mosaic of relationships and interactions (pp. 157-178). New York: Springer.


Fujita, T. & Jones, K. (2014), Reasoning-and-proving in geometry in school mathematics textbooks in Japan, International Journal of Educational Research, Vol 64, 81-91.


Watson, A., Jones, K. & Pratt, D. (2013), Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics: Research-based guidance for ages 9-19. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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