[Maths-Education] Fwd: job ad

Matthew Inglis M.J.Inglis at lboro.ac.uk
Wed Nov 19 09:12:43 GMT 2014

Dear all, Benedikt Löwe and Thomas Müller asked me to circulate this interesting PhD studentship opportunity. Thanks, Matthew

Begin forwarded message:

> Ph.D. student position in philosophy of mathematics
> Konstanz, Germany
> J O B   O F F E R  No.   2014 / 186
> The University of Konstanz, with its "Institutional Strategy to promote 
> Top-Level Research", has been receiving continuous funding since 2007 
> within the framework of the Excellence Initiative by the German Federal 
> and State Governments.
> At the Department of Philosophy (Theoretical Philosophy / Prof. Dr. Thomas 
> Müller) there is currently a vacancy for a Part-time
> Ph.D. student Position
> (Salary Scale 13 TV-L, 50%)
> The position will be available at project start in February 2015; a later 
> starting date is negotiable, but an early start is preferred.  The 
> position will be granted initially for 12 months, with an option for an 
> extension for a second year; funding for a third year will be applied for 
> once the project is under way.
> The position is advertised as part of the new research project "Kulturen 
> der mathematischen Forschung: Identitätspraktiken im Hinblick auf 
> nationale Mathematikkulturen und Beweisstile" (Cultures of mathematical 
> research: identification practices with respect to national cultures of 
> mathematics and styles of proof) funded by the Konstanz Exzellenzcluster 
> EXC 16, "Kulturelle Grundlagen von Integration" (Cultural Foundations of 
> Social Integration).
> The principal investigators of this project are Prof. Dr. Thomas Müller 
> (Konstanz) and Prof. Dr. Benedikt Löwe (Hamburg & Amsterdam). The hired 
> applicant will be based in Konstanz and it is the intention that the 
> applicant be enrolled as a Ph.D. student and receive a Ph.D. degree in 
> philosophy at the Universität Konstanz, but the project involves active 
> and regular interaction with the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the 
> Universität Hamburg, including extended research visits of up to one 
> semester.
> Project background
> The research areas of "Philosophy of Mathematical Practice" (PMP) and 
> "Cultures and Practices of Mathematics" (CPM) link traditional 
> philosophical questions about mathematics (questions about the truth of 
> mathematical statements, about mathematical knowledge, about the ontology 
> of mathematics) to the study of actual mathematical practice and ask about 
> the extent of cultural influences on mathematics. Traditionally, 
> mathematics is seen as a highly abstract subject where culture has little 
> effect and practices seem to be governed by logic and mathematical 
> necessity alone; PMP and CPM challenge this position and demand empirical 
> evidence for claims like this.
> This research project deals with the question of whether there is 
> mathematical content to national mathematical cultures: clearly, there are 
> differences in the mathematical styles of researchers from different 
> countries. But are these differences more than superficial? In other 
> words, can these differences be explained in purely mathematical terms. 
> The project aims to approach this question with empirical means using 
> techniques from the digital humanities (national literary cultures) and 
> qualitative and quantitative empirical social studies.
> Further information 
> The research project links mathematics (the object of the study), 
> philosophy, formal methods in the humanities (such as literary studies), 
> and empirical methods in the social sciences (such as sociology and 
> cognitive psychology). The successful applicant will be interested in all 
> of these subjects and knowledgeable in at least two of them. While a 
> formal background in mathematics is not necessary, a fascination for 
> mathematics and its method is crucial. The successful applicant will be 
> willing to travel between Konstanz, Hamburg, and Amsterdam on a regular 
> basis and spend longer research stays (up to one semester) in one of the 
> other research nodes of the project.
> We are looking for a talented and dedicated young researcher with a 
> Master's degree in philosophy or another relevant subject (e.g., logic, 
> sociology, psychology) with a strong philosophical background and interest 
> in mathematics. Some mathematical background, as well as experience in 
> empirical research in a social science context are desired. Fluency in 
> English is required.
> How to apply 
> Applications should contain the following, in the form of a single PDF 
> document sent by e-mail:
> (*) an application letter in English; 
> (*) a CV in English; 
> (*) a scan of the M.A. or M.Sc. diploma, including diploma supplement or 
> transcript record;
> (*) contact information of two people willing to recommend you for this 
> post;
> (*) a link to an online version of the Master's thesis.
> A writing sample of max. 25 pages (e.g., a published paper or seminar 
> paper) can be sent along as well (optional).
> Interviews are planned for 12/13/14 January 2015, possibly in the form of 
> a telephone or skype session.
> Please e-mail your digital application 
> to Sekretariat.Mueller at uni-konstanz.de  Please indicate the reference 
> number 2014 / 186 in the subject line. 
> The deadline for applications is 17 December 2014.
> The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer that tries to 
> increase the number of women in research and teaching.
> The University of Konstanz has been certified as a family-friendly 
> institution by the Hertie Foundation and is committed to further the 
> compatibility of work and family life.
> The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will 
> be given preference if appropriately qualified. (contact +49 (0) 7531 / 
> 88-4895).
> The University of Konstanz offers a "Dual Career Couples Programme". 
> Information is available at: http://www.uni-konstanz.de/dcc .

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