[Maths-Education] Mathematics Matters Seminar

Candia Morgan c.morgan at ioe.ac.uk
Fri Mar 6 11:13:23 GMT 2009

London Mathematics Research Seminars Series (LMERSS)


National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM)  
London region

Invite you to a seminar in Mathematics Education Research

Professor Malcolm Swan and Professor Celia Hoyles present:

Mathematics Matters – the research evidence

Monday 16 March 2009

5pm – 6.30pm followed by refreshments and discussion

Room STB9, Stewart House,

University of London

32 Russell Square



Last year, Professor Malcolm Swan chaired a national consultation,  
Mathematics Matters, to review and describe the values and practices  
considered to be most important and effective by the mathematics  
education community. The consultation involved more than 150  
mathematics educators, with representation from all phases of  
education. In this presentation the speakers will discuss the outcomes  
and implications of this consultation.

Please forward this invitation to interested mathematics researchers  
and practitioners.

The full report and the evidence is available on the NCETM web portal  
at www.ncetm.org.uk/mathematicsmatters

Professor Malcolm Swan:

Professor of Mathematics Education, Nottingham University

Malcolm conducts “design research” into the theory, development and  
evaluation of teaching situations in mathematics education. His recent  
work has included professional development, resources such as  
"Improving Learning in Mathematics" (for the DfES) and "Thinking  
through Mathematics" (for the NRDC). His book: "Collaborative Learning  
in Mathematics: A Challenge to our Beliefs and Practices", was  
recently published by NIACE/NRDC.

Professor Celia Hoyles OBE
Director, National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics

Celia Hoyles was awarded a first in mathematics from the University of  
Manchester and holds a masters and doctorate in mathematics education.  
She has been Professor of Mathematics Education at the Institute of  
Education, University of London, since 1984. Her major research  
interests are: secondary students’ conceptions of proof and strategies  
for teaching proof; the mathematical skills needed in modern  
workplaces; the design and implementation of computational  
environments for learning and sharing mathematics; and systemic change  
in the professional development of teachers of mathematics. Professor  
Hoyles was awarded an OBE in January 2004 for services to mathematics  
education. From December 2004 to November 2007 she was the  
Government’s Chief Adviser for Mathematics.

Dr Candia Morgan
Reader in Mathematics Education
Department of Geography, Enterprise, Mathematics and Science
Institute of Education, University of London
20 Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL
United Kingdom

tel.	+44 (0)20 7612 6677		fax.	+44 (0)20 7612 6792

c.morgan at ioe.ac.uk

Institute of Education open evening
Monday 16 March 2009, 4.00pm - 7.30pm
To discover more and register online: www.ioe.ac.uk/openeve


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