[Maths-Education] ESRC project-linked +3 Research Studentship available at Cambridge

Kenneth Ruthven kr18 at cam.ac.uk
Tue Oct 28 14:26:22 GMT 2008

Applications are invited for an Economic and Social Research Council [ESRC] 
+3 Research Studentship to undertake PhD study in the University of 
Cambridge Faculty of Education on some topic linked to the work of the 
epiSTEMe project (Effecting Principled Improvement in STEM Education: 
Student Engagement and Learning in Early Secondary-School Physical Science 
and Mathematics). This project forms part of the ESRC's Targeted Initiative 
on Science and Mathematics Education.

The Research Studentship holder will work primarily on an independent study 
associated with the project, but will have opportunities for involvement in 
all aspects of the project's work relevant to supporting advanced research 
training and career development. Supervision will be provided by one or 
more of the project investigators: Professors Kenneth Ruthven, Christine 
Howe, Neil Mercer, and Dr Keith Taber.

The studentship is available for up to 36 months, and the actual start date 
is open to negotiation. The expectation is that the successful candidate is 
likely to commence in October 2009, at the start of the 2009/10 academic 
year. Other applicants will also be eligible to be considered for an ESRC 
quota Research Studentship (3 available in the Faculty) and a Faculty 
Research Studentship on similar terms (1 available) for an October 2009 

This award is subject to the standard terms and conditions for ESRC 
Research Studentships. Candidates must also satisfy normal University and 
Faculty requirements for PhD study. Details of the Application Procedure 
and Further Particulars of the Studentship are available at 

Any enquiries should be directed to Emma Rixon (er206 at cam.ac.uk) in the 
Faculty's Higher Degrees office.

Closing Date for Applications: 15 December 2008

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